Basic Checks On Your Vacuum Pump If It Isn't Working Correctly
There are several different types of vacuum pumps and the process internally is different
. There are some that are simple to fix and then there are others that you will need to consider getting someone that is trained on vacuum pumps to repair your vacuum pump. Just like with anything there are some troubleshooting tips that you can apply to a sliding vane design vacuum pump.
They have found that there are some similar and common problems that many can consider and look at before calling someone to come and repair the vacuum pump. Let's take a look at some of those basic things:
1.You will want to consider the oil consumption rate. If the oil rate is increasing suddenly that could mean that there is a leak in the oil line. It could also mean that a check valve is sticking open. If there is a decrease in the oil rate then the metering pump could not be working. It could also be as simple as a filter or an oil line being blocked.
2.Paying attention to the noise level is also important. If you think about it most things have some kind of constant sound. I notice when the fridge is making ice or my computer is running correctly. You will want to notice the noise of the vacuum pump. If you notice a change in the noise level you will want to see if the pump is running too cold. If it gets to be too cool then the rotors can lock up. Another common thing is that the powders are getting into the pump. There is also a possibility that the pump is running too hot. If the pump gets to be 195 F then it could overheat. If it overheats it could shut down the system. Another common sound is if there is not enough lubrication. This can cause the vanes to be sticky.
3.If there is a high internal pump temperature or condensation in the lubricating oil that can cause the vanes to skip. This can cause the cylinder walls to have no contact with the vane and cause no suction on the walls. With this you will want to check a few basic things. You will want to make sure your oil is clean. It is important to keep the screen on your vacuum pump. You will also want to check the inlet and outlet ports of the vacuum pump. A good way to check for this is to listen to your pump when you startup the vacuum pump.
These are a few basic tips to help you do some basic checking on your vacuum pump before calling out someone.