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Basic Automobile Components

Basic Automobile Components

Smooth running of a vehicle totally depends upon intricate engineering

. Durability and proper viability of the vehicles depends on the health of various components and machinery which is used during their manufacturing process. Various crucial automobile components are used in a vehicle that makes your vehicles run efficiently. These components are used in various vehicles ranging from heavy duty vehicles like trucks and tippers to cars and bikes and sturdy fully built vehicles. A lot of people are unaware of the basic parts that are used in the vehicles that they drive on a regular basis. Learning about these components has a lot of benefits.

When you become familiar with the basic automobile components of your vehicle, its maintenance becomes hassle-free. People who often take their heavy duty vehicle on long journeys benefit from having extra knowledge about these basic automobile parts and how they work.

List of basic automobile components

Vehicle frame, covering body, engine and suspension, wheels and brakes are the basic most components of any vehicle. Apart from that, here are a few important auto components that are used in a vehicle:Basic Automobile Components

Alternator: This is a kind of electromechanical device which is charges the vehicle battery. The alternator recharges the battery by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Air filter: Air filter is used to block dirt from entering the engine.

Air intake manifold: Intake manifold is used to distribute air into the combustion chamber.

Battery: One of the most essential automobile components is the battery. The battery provides electrical power which is required to start the engine.

Carburetor: Carburetor organizes the air-fuel mixture in the vehicle so that the combustion chamber can perform smoothly.

Exhaust manifold: The exhaust manifold is a set of pipes that drives the exhaust away from the vehicle cylinder. Its one of the crucial components of an automobile.

Muffler: This automobile component reduces the noise generated by the exhaust.

Radiator: The radiator acts as a vehicle coolant and reduces the internal heat. It helps the process of heat absorption from the engine.

Rear axle: Rear axle is the shaft that transfers the transmission power to all the wheels.

Suspension system: The suspension system absorbs all sorts of jolts caused on the road and tries to keep the vehicle wheels on the road. Shock absorbers leaf springs, struts, strut rods, motor mounts, tie rods, control arms, torsion bar, axels and spindle are a part of the vehicle suspension system.

These are the most basic automobile components that are a part of any vehicle. There are a few easy things to do in order to get uninterrupted service from your vehicle. First of all, purchase all the vehicle components from a recognized dealer and perform timely maintenance drills. Check for the availability of authorized dealers and franchisee of your vehicle manufacturer. It helps you to get guaranteed spare parts and assured service from the manufacturer-trusted person.

by: lindadale
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Basic Automobile Components