Baseball Holders - Boast Your Autographed Baseball!!

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Some moments are so priceless that we keep on remembering them and same is the case with your baseball when at some point of time you have got it signed by your favorite player and wants to place it in your baseball holder. This possession is so precious for you that you hardly want to sell it even if others are paying millions for this. But, this holder might cost up to around $1oo. But with the help of this article you can make your own holder.

Share: Cut the ball of foam with a sharp knife and slice it into half. If you end up with nothing, then other half of ball is available to you. Otherwise dispose of the other half.
Make this half foam ball laid flat on to the table. Keep on practicing to position the sticks in the form of X - pattern on the table before you put into the actual foam. The baseball is to be placed as a main picture, thereby; the X-pattern should cover the diameter area of two to three inches where your precious possession's base will rest.
Place the sticks into the foam ball where flat sides of the sticks touch the baseball.
Carefully examine the red stitches of the baseball so as to print it on the foam ball. Then, paint the pattern of stitches on the foam ball with red nail paint on each side.
At last, place the baseball holder in the safe place. Insert the ball in between of the Popsicle sticks to make it display.
Announcement of the New Baseball Holder
If you are unable to make your own holder, then do not worry as St. Louis Memorabilia Factory has announced its innovative best baseball holder known to be as Ball DOME. This very new product consists of many features that it makes the display of your signed baseball more attractive. This product consists of square shaped holder which is specifically designed for the clients who wants to display their autographed baseballs. The preservation features of this BallDOME is inclusive of dome shaped enclosure where the surface of the baseball is put as well as this dome shaped enclosure helps in watching the 360 degree view of the ball. Also, there is a kind of stabilizing platform which is designed to shelter the older balls that have got shrunk with time. It prevents the moving of the baseball. Each holder of BallDOME is having the label detailing the facts of the ball.
Also, authentication ring is given to only those who are authorized authenticators. This authentication ring is provided at the bottom of the BallDOME and is consist of breakaway pins. Authorized authenticators can even put on customized label which specifies all the facts of the baseball and other authentication features. Price of Ball DOME is $15 for one baseball holder and even you can entail the pack of six baseball holders of $ 72.
There are many options available from which you can choose. One of the holders has gold base and crystal globe. Other has a polystyrene impact with a crystal clear of slant closure. One baseball holder has a display case of beveled edges with a base of cherry wood.
Baseball Holders - Boast Your Autographed Baseball!!
By: cari smith
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