Basal Temperature Charting To Help You Get Pregnant
There are many expensive Fertility treatments out there claiming to be able to help
your chance of becoming pregnant but there are just as many things you can do yourself for free or very little cost.
Charting your Basal Temperature throughout your monthly cycle is just one of these things.
It is a fairly well known fact that having sex when you are ovulating is a good way to increase your chances of becoming pregnant, but a common misconception is that you will be ovulating on day 14 of your cycle, this is simply not true, it varies for every woman an can be anywhere from day 10 to day 21.
It is also not that well known that your body temperature varies during your cycle, being slightly lower before you ovulate, and increasing immediately after ovulating. These changes in temperature are very small, and often cannot be seen with a normal thermometer.
In order to accurately measure your Basal Body Temperature you need to use a Basal Thermometer which is more accurate and can read to one tenth of a degree.
Using a Basal Digital Thermometer you can chart your temperature over the course of the month, and after a few months you should have a pretty accurate indication of when you are ovulating by looking at the chart for the temperature dip and rise at the time your ovulate.
This can help you to work out when you have the best chances of conceiving. Use the chart in conjunction with other methods for an even greater chance of success.
Basal Temperature charting is really very simple, but it must be done carefully to achieve the best results. Visit my website for more information on Basal Digital Thermometers and tips for using them correctly. There is even a Chart template for you to download and print off to get started cheaply!