Bad Day Blues Washed Away When You Make Cosmic Ordering Pay!

Share: The feeling of dread is what first comes to mind when someone approaches you to speak a few words in confidence or away from the earshot of others
. Even a simple phone call when the caller asks you to ascertain you are the named person they are speaking to will make you think of all terrible happenings that may occur to you or your dear ones. However, if you followed Cosmic Ordering then you would think of only positive things in these situations, thus increasing the chances of positive things happening to you.
When you expect bad things to happen to you then panic sets in, doom and gloom becomes part of your everyday existence. You come to expect tragedy just as regular as clockwork. Whereas with Cosmic Ordering you always have an air of expectancy that good things will happen to you.
Being late for work, missing a train, losing your mobile on the way to work, forgetting an important file and many other such mishaps are lodged in our subconscious mind and we are always moving through our daily routine dreading of the worst possible events that may befall us.
By thinking all these negative thoughts you have, without your conscious knowledge, you have actually aided all of the very things that went wrong with you! By dwelling on negativity you have attracted similar negative feelings and thus filled up your every living day with horror stories. Lose all of those negative feelings when Cosmic Ordering shows you how to focus on what you do want, not what you don't!
When we dwell on positive thoughts we draw all positive things around us. However, to a certain degree, when we think of the negative things, they attract the same to us.
Don't panic, don't panic! I will send in the Cosmic Ordering thought police tonight to clear out any negative thoughts. Tonight, as you are in bed, just see the thought police clapping handcuffs on those negative thoughts. See the riot shields of the thought police forcing them back, see the riot vans of the thought police carting them off to clink.
This flushing out of all the negativity requires a strong willpower, but once you get rid of them you will never again greet your day with fear or panic! The world will be an enjoyable and blissful place to live in and you will find you are better able to manifest your desires through Cosmic Ordering!
by: Stephen Richards
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