Babymoon Considerations Every Expectant Mom Should Make

Share: Are you considering planning a babymoon? These pre-baby getaways can help take some of the stress out of preparing to add to your family
. Yet, before you take one, you should plan carefully for your travel to ensure you are doing it safely.
When to Go
The best time to travel while pregnant is during your second trimester. Most airlines and many doctors will not allow pregnant women to travel in the 8th or 9th month of pregnancy, but you probably won't want to when you are huge and uncomfortable, either. The second trimester is also when your desire for intimacy may return as your morning sickness and the tiredness of the first trimester start to wane. You will be big enough for people to realize you are pregnant, but not so big to be incredibly uncomfortable.
Where to Go

Share: You can have your choice of destinations when you are traveling for a babymoon, but you may want to stay a little closer to home. You are not going to want to be on a plane for more than four hours tops, because your body is going to be tired. You also do not want to be somewhere that English is not spoken, because should you have a medical problem, you are going to struggle to communicate with hospital staff.
Similarly, you do not want to go somewhere that serious diseases are a potential. Exotic trips or African safaris are probably not the best idea when you are expecting. The need for vaccines and the high likelihood that you will catch a stomach bug are simply too dangerous for your baby.
Choose Quiet
Disneyworld may be a lot of fun, but when you are expecting, you need a place where you can relax. Instead of going to the biggest and best resort, go somewhere that gives you the chance to truly relax. Then, ask for a quiet, out-of-the-way room to ensure that you can get adequate sleep. You want to return from your trip rested and ready to tackle the remainder of your pregnancy, not drained and exhausted.
Ask Your Doctor
Do not leave on a babymoon without first checking your itinerary with your doctor. Make sure that your doctor is fine with the location you have chosen, the timing of your trip, and the distance you will be traveling. This will also help you avoid culinary mistakes. Your doctor will be able to point you towards the best and worst foods to eat while expecting at the location you have chosen.
Share Your News
Finally, makes sure the people you interact with as you plan your trip know you are expecting. You might be able to get some free upgrades and perks while you plan for your babymoon. You are excited about your new baby, so why not let it show? If you get a little additional perk as a bonus, then that will make your upcoming trip even more exciting for you and your spouse.
by: Andrew Stratton
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