Baby Eczema Treatment Parents Should Know

Share: If you've had to deal with eczema at any point in your life
, you'll be quick to recognize it on your child's skin. Some of us have to wait until our paediatrician gives up the diagnosis that our newborn is suffering from this all too common skin condition. We naturally want the best baby eczema treatment ideas for our child, but what are they?
- Mix in crushed, raw oatmeal flakes with a small amount of water to create a paste. Apply to the skin and let it air dry. Rinse off the paste in cold water. This also helps reduce swelling, redness, pain and itching.
If you can, never skip the chance to breast feed your baby. The mother's milk is rich in immunity boosters that will keep your baby healthy and more ready to battle skin irritations.
One baby eczema treatment that is often overlooked by parents is the baby's sheets/bedding and clothing. Doctors often recommend that a baby sleep with bedding and wear clothing that is made of 100% cotton. Also be sure to wash these items frequently to minimize any sort of dirt or bacteria buildup, as bacteria can irritate your child's skin as well. Once again, be sure your laundry detergent is mild and unscented.
Avoid body lotions that have strong fragrances or perfumes. Allergies are as the root for eczema problems but it isn't always easy to figure out the causes. Use non-allergenic products to protect your skin. Eggs and milk-based products can create allergic reactions for some people which will show as an eczema rash.
Breastfeed: It isn't common knowledge that breastfeeding can help prevent eczema from occurring, and it is a possibility that if more people knew this and chose to breastfeed, fewer cases of baby eczema would be presenting. If breastfeeding is an option and is done for at least the first 6 months of baby's life, eczema can be avoided
After the bath immediately put either Vaseline or another all-natural cream on your baby, this helps to seal in the moisture. Keeping your babies' skin moist is very important in reducing the dryness of the rash. When the rash seems worse bathe your child twice a day repeating the application of the cream.
by: Charles Zoe
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