BUILDER INSURANCE: You've Heard It All Before. Blah, Blah, Blah
You've heard it all before
You've heard it all before. Everyone it seems has his own nightmare builders' story. The one about the builders who spent more time drinking tea than doing any work. Or the one about the builders who knocked down the wrong wall. Or the one about...
None of them apply to you, of course, because you work hard to deliver an excellent job, at a fair price, time and again. But still you've heard it all before. And maybe that's what it's like for you when people talk about
builder insurance. You've heard it all before. Blah, blah, blah.
The trouble is that blah, blah, blah' won't cut much ice as a defence if an unhappy customer makes a claim against you. And it can happen. No matter how careful you are, things can go wrong. You could accidentally break something valuable in a customer's house. You could be up a ladder and accidentally drop something heavy that injures the customer standing underneath. You could cause mayhem (expensive mayhem to repair) by accidentally drilling through a water pipe. And the list of things that can happen accidentally goes on.
Even if it's not your fault, in this age of no win, no fee' legal services, customers can be tempted to make a claim just in the hope of getting something out of it. What have they got to lose?
And without builders insurance -
builders insurance that includes public liability cover - you could be faced with a bill for compensation payment and legal costs easily big enough to put you out of business and threaten everything you've worked for.
So public liability is one type of insurance cover that you certainly shouldn't be without. Are there any others?
If you have anybody working for you, even on a casual or temporary basis, you'll also need employers' liability insurance. It's required by law. And if, like most builders, you have a lot of expensive tools and equipment, you might want to insure those too. Suppose they got stolen. Could you afford to replace them straight away? If not, how would you carry on working without them?
So if you've heard it all before but haven't done anything about it, maybe now's the time to act. Just follow the link to arrange your
insurance for builders package.
BUILDER INSURANCE: You've Heard It All Before. Blah, Blah, Blah
By: ammenda
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BUILDER INSURANCE: You've Heard It All Before. Blah, Blah, Blah Alagoa Nova