Avoid These 5 Mistakes When Listing Your Houston Heights Home For Sale

Share: Selling your home takes some planning and preparation
, but it is not too daunting a task with the right professionals. A key point though is preparation of the house. This is especially true if you are selling an older home. Selling your Houston Heights home involves a little more work than would a recently built home. Same applies to other mid-century homes i.e. in Oak Forest, Garden Oaks, and Lindale Park.
Preparing Your House for Sale
When preparing your house for sale you have to think like a buyer. Buyers feel more than they think when inside a house. They obviously think about price, location, affordability, investment potential, etc., but this is before stepping into the home. When at the house, the right side of the brain takes over. They either feel that the house is warm & inviting; they feel the house is bright & cheerful; they feel the house has lots of room; they feel your Houston Heights home has been well maintained, or they dont!
So, you can try to explain how just removing the heavy drapes could lighten up the dark house; the plants shading all the windows could be cut back to lighten it; how they could easily fix that dripping faucet with just a washer; how the house smells like dog because you just havent had time to wash Fido lately. You can explain to them how a few hours work or a few hundred bucks will make a huge difference WRONG! You wont get that chance. Buyers interested in a Houston Heights Home dont want work; they dont want explanations. There should be nothing that needs an explanation.

Share: Which makes you feel better?
Cute, clean, bright, sparkling, inviting, ready to move in, or:
Peeling paint, minor repairs; overcrowded rooms and closets; dark spaces
A Few Hints
Maintenance items: Before you list you Houston Heights home for sale do all the minor fix up, repair, and maintenance items. Potential buyers dont want to see work, maintenance and headaches. They want to envision peace, relaxation, and enjoyment. So, no dripping or corroded faucets; no cracked windowpanes; no peeling paint.
Should you update fixtures, etc.? Worn out items that can be easily replaced probably should be. Major updates? Probably notask your realtor on specifics.
Curb Appeal: This is tremendous. Ive had people not get out of the car because they were turned off by appearances. Plants looking ragged? Dog trails? Weeds? Spend some money and time and make these look good.
The front porch is critical. After all this is what Houston Heights homes are famous for. Its also a second chance to make a good impression. While the realtor is fumbling with the key, are the potential buyers noting the smudged windows, cobwebs, peeling paint on the front door? Its better if they are admiring how clean and sparkly things are and noting the newly painted front door.
Inside the house: a few favorite descriptive terms by realtors are light and bright, open and airy, spacious rooms, lots of storage. The realtor will not say; dark and dreary, cramped and full of stuff; but the photos will show it. A huge closet full of stuff will be seen as not having enough closet space. Considering the limited storage capacity of the average Houston Heights Home this is critical. A smaller, near empty closet will be seen as spacious. Get rid of stuff! You know you are going to dump it when you move anyway. Do it now.
by: writeragain
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