Available Treatments for ADHD – Part Two
Available Treatments for ADHD Part Two
Available Treatments for ADHD Part Two
There is a web site dedicated to the topic of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. There we learn that there are many available treatments for ADHD. Cups and Balls, a technological, treatment game, is one of them and is available free of charge on this particular web site. The game was createdspecifically to reduce symptoms for people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Cups and Balls is one of many types of treatments obtainable to assist in reducing the symptoms of ADHD.
On this web site, there is also a video series, available under FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions) which presents a variety of topics all focused on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The video series which is about ADHD only, was written and narrated by a professional clinician experienced in treating ADHD patients. He is highly knowledgeable on the topic and professional in his delivery. Among the most informative videos in this series are the two on ADHD treatments .
There are, in fact, so many types of treatments available for ADHD that it was apparently necessary to divide them into two videos. In Part One, treatments covered are: medications, neurofeedback, sensory integration dysfunction, and nutrition. In Part Two, the treatments addressed are: environmental adaptations, and behavioral therapies.
In Part Two, the clinician first addresses environmental adaptations. He emphasizes that the most important environmental adaptations include a very structured daily schedule and predictable routine. Clearly defined expectations of each task needs to be consistently established. Also the person with ADHD needs to have it clearly explained what his daily responsibilities are. Along with this, sensory integration tools are used to assist in focusing and completing tasks. Such tools available are: weighted vests, as well as rocking or bouncing chairs.
Another environmental approach used for a person with ADHD, is to control distractions by having rooms dedicated to only one activity. For example, have a room for studying, one for recreation, and one for sleeping. This would eliminate having a T.V., a computer, and/or sound equipment in the person's bedroom. According to this approach, the ADHD person needs to have one room dedicated to each activity: an art room with only equipment and materials for art in it, if art is his interest. For a person with musical interests, one room should be dedicated to musical equipment and materials only.
Also used as an environmental approach for managing ADHD symptoms is that of arranging structured social events to fit each special occasion, such as birthdays and holidays. Structuring and designing events assists in controlling ADHD symptoms.
As was the case in "Available Treatments for ADHD Part One," the clinician used a technical term from psychology that puzzled me at first. With some research using the Internet, I learned that the term, "executive function" used in psychology refers to memory and attention rather a management position in business. He had stated that environmental supports include organizational tools that help with executive functioning, meaning that there are organizational tools that assist with memory and attention. These organizational tools include things like the use of calendars to keep up with due dates, establishing a place for everything, as well as a time to put things away . He goes on to inform the viewer to set up sequences for every task which includes a beginning, an execution, and an ending time for putting equipment and materials away as part of cleaning up.
Behavioral Therapies are addressed next. ( All of this helpful information can be obtained on the web site, http://AttentionDeficitDisorderGame.com) The clinician explains that there are different kinds combined together to assist in coping and managing frustrations associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Psychotherapy is the first Behavioral Therapy which the narrator mentions. Family therapy is another component mentioned. It provides help in structuring the living environment so that consistent daily support is provided for the person with ADHD. Daily structure needs to operate in the same manner every day with clear understanding established as to what is expected of the ADHD person each day. Family therapy also includes family training and education so that all family members are educated with an understanding about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Appropriate education equips family members with the knowledge of what to do and when and how to use the various supports in the most successful manner.
Other behavioral supports that are covered in, "Available Treatments for ADHD Part Two," are the development of social skills. The clinician explains that Behavioral training includes a huge component of social skills development. Issues addressed in social skills are: taking turns, sharing, asking for help, appropriate responses to teasing, reading facial expressions, body language and using the right tones of voice for the circumstances. Cues like "inside voice," and "outside voice," are used to help assist in regulating self-control .
The clinician continues and explains that behavior therapies include the reward and consequence approach. The award and consequence approach is considered very important. It establishes clear guidelines which determines what's going to happen when good things occur and what's going to happen when the ADHD person is out of control. I felt a very important point made was that rewards and consequences need to be tailored for the person's individual interests and preferences in order for them to be effective. It was also explained that awards and consequences need to be used at the right time, for instance, rewarding the completion of a task. The point was also made to reward pro-social behavior. The clinician emphasized to establish systemized consequences associated with any inappropriate behavior, or tasks unfinished or not completed. The key to behavior therapy is considered to be following through. If following through with rewards and consequences doesn't happen consistently, the person with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder just learns how to work around the system. However, with consistently following through with clear expectations defined, self-regulation can be learned.
This concluded Part Two of Available Treatments for ADHD. For anyone interested in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, the web site, http://AttentionDeficitDisorderGame.com
Will prove to be an informative resource of helpful information.
10/2010 MegaTech Inc.
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