Autonomous Refrigerator

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Autonomous Refrigerator
Over the past few decades, the research in autonomous mobile refrigerator gained an extensive interest. Autonomous refrigerator are vehicles type devices capable of moving in an environment without human intervention. Autonomous navigation and coordination is associated with the external sensors that capture information from the environment through distance or proximity sensors. The sensors are not reliable while validating the algorithm for fuzzy based navigation in clustered environment so keeping these things in mind we designed hardware simulator which validate the algorithms of Free Way State based navigation. This article describes about autonomous refrigerator.

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The most common sensors are distance sensors (infrared, ultrasonic, laser, etc.) capable of detecting obstacles, walls, pits, targets and other features by measuring their distances.
When advanced autonomous refrigerator navigate within indoor environments (building, industries, offices), they have to be empowered with the ability to move through corridors, to follow walls, to avoid obstacles, to turn corners and to reach the target within building. In efforts to articulate approaches that can handle real world uncertainty, researchers are often faced with the necessity of considering compromise between developing intelligent systems that are difficult to control, or adopting a many number of assumptions that reduces the models design which are not enough to represent the actual system or the real world. The latter option control laws are typically valid only for systems where we can impose some assumptions. The option that involves complex real systems has been less prevalent due to the lack of analytical methods. Many approaches have been employed in navigation of mobile refrigerator using mathematical model. Adaptive navigation is a method using differential equations to reach a pre-defined goal while avoiding obstacles but this analytical method is troublesome for complex behavior and environment.
Free state based navigation has high rate of successful navigation, it's very difficult to validate the fuzzy based algorithm using unreliable sensor for autonomous vehicle, in order to validate free state based navigation algorithm this simulation model is useful. The simulation model consists of two main components 1) Micro controller and circuit board 2) Input board (which contains two rows of buttons). Micro controller is programmed by using Free Way State based logic and input to this micro controller is manual buttons, by selecting different goal direction and freeways available.

Share: The validation of Free State based navigation algorithm is done using simulation model. Free State based logical program is flushed in to the micro controller to check the validation, after selecting different goals and different freeway buttons indicated the desired direction. This simulation results holds good for navigating autonomous refrigerator.
The validation of Free State based navigation algorithm will be done using simulation model. Free State based logical program is flushed in to the micro controller to check the validation, after selecting different goals and different freeway buttons indicated the desired direction. This simulation will results holds good for navigating autonomous refrigerator.
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