Automotive Mechanics And The Benefit Of Automotive Training Schools

Share: Preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance is an important part of the auto mechanic job. This trend is seen more in the industrialized countries. It mainly includes regular servicing of automobile. This is done to ensure the maintenance of the vehicle in operating condition always. Examination, identification and correction are three steps followed to execute this process. Here the measures are taken even before the faults occur or develop into major damage. However many people are not aware about the importance of this practice. They look upon it as unnecessary expense.
Technological advancement

Share: Technological advancement has expanded the auto mechanics job to a new level. From just mechanical diagnose, it has led to the introduction of electronic technology. This is due to the use of complex computer and electrical systems in automobiles. Therefore, auto mechanics need to have an in depth knowledge about technological concepts and computerized systems. As a result the term auto mechanic has been replaced by auto technician. Catering to the evolving demands of the automobiles, many workshops provide computers to technicians. It enables them to carry out their diagnosis effectively.
Related career options
Auto mechanics have several options available apart from regular automobile maintenance/repair job. These careers are related to their working field and thus are preferred. Automotive mechanic training is one such career. Many qualified mechanics opt for teaching courses once they become qualified. Some opt for teaching after some years of their regular apprenticeship.
Let us take a look at some of the other options auto mechanics can try out:
Spray painter
Motorcycle mechanic
Panel beater
Among these three mentioned panel beater is common in few Commonwealth countries.
Automotive training courses For those who wish to make a career in auto technician services, getting enrolled in training programs is essential. Though it is mainly designed for novices, experienced mechanics can also opt for these classes. It is effective for polishing their skills and making them further updated with mechanical and electrical servicing.
Irish automotive training schools are very famous. If you happen to live there, you can explore many of the renowned automotive training centres present there.
The general outline of the curriculum followed in automotive technician courses is as follows:
Introductory session - Mathematical concepts, safety standards and knowledge of automobile parts is given. Later troubleshooting automobile glitches like problems in steering and suspension systems, electrical systems and automated engine systems are taught.
Written materials Here both written and visual teaching materials are provided. On-the job training is given to provide a hands-on experience. Such comprehensive training enables the students to be self dependent and competent to tackle any type of automobile task.
A trained auto mechanic gets familiar with:
Maintenance practice for air intake and fuel systems
Inspection, assembly and disassembly of engines; engine tune-up procedure
Operation and maintenance of propeller shafts, wheels, steering and clutches
Different exhaust systems, electronic ignition system and engine cooling procedure

Share: Functionality of emission control systems
Different parts of the gasoline engine and its operational pattern
Safety standards while working with gasoline engine
by: Bridget brankin
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