Automotive Applications of the Flex Hone Tool

Share: Automotive Applications of the Flex Hone Tool
Did you know that flex hones can be used in numerous automotive applications? In any industry, there's always a desire to save money and find processes that make your job easier and more efficient. In addition to the high cost associated with the maintenance and repair of automotive engines, concerns about environmental impact, safety and consumption of fuels and lubricants also arise. Flex hones can help ease those concerns while providing the proper maintenance to your cylinder walls, valve guides, cam bearing bores, piston pin bores, connecting rods and clutch and brake master cylinders.
What do you do when you can't see the problem, but you know it's there? Flex hones are often used in automotive applications to ensure microscopic precision finishing. Following the rigid honing of a combustion cylinder bore, there are usually tiny bits of torn and jagged metal particles partially attached to the cylinder wall surface. With the ball style flex hone these microscopic metal shards and fragments are removed and a significantly smoother surface finish is created in almost no time at all. No complicated set-up or training necessary.
The plateau surface created allows piston rings to match the surface of the cylinder wall much better than they would without the use of a ball style flex hone tool. By using the flex hone in such a manner, rings seat in quickly and also experience much lower oil consumption. Proper seating of piston rings ensures longer piston ring life.

Share: In addition to enabling proper seating of piston rings, the flex hone tool also helps automotive professionals and hobbyists achieve the desired cross-hatch finish. A cross-hatch finish is an important factor contributing to proper lubrication distribution. Using the ball style flex hone ensures longer engine service life with better compression and lower oil consumption numbers.
Flex hones are often used in de-glazing applications for diesel engines in order to clean the counterbore after pulling the old cylinder liner out. In the automotive industry, flex hones are seen as the ideal way to achieve a surface that is optimal for seating new rings.
With big engines, the lower counter bores need a surface with an entry taper that allows o-rings to smoothly slide into the bore. In this application, a ball style flex hone is used for edge-blending in order to remove the sharp rim that could cut the liner of the o-ring.
When you have a combustion cylinder bore, the chamfer on the top of the bore needs to be deburred in order to allow pistons to go into the cylinder with ease. When the flex hone tool is used to de-burr, rings can funnel-in easily without snapping, breaking or popping out.
In addition to the many applications in combustion cylinders, flex hones can be used to create a blended radius on hydraulic valve lifter bores, which will help avoid scuffing problems on valve lifters.
As you can see, there are a number of ways the flex hone tool can be applied in automotive applications. Maintaining your automotive engines by using flex hones can save you money and improve your processes all while helping the environment.
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