Automobile: the special exhibition of the Universal Expo of Paris

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In the last edition of this important and universal exposition were exposed classic cars inside the Pavillon number 8, were an incredible display of these classic and old models were shown to the public. It was interesting to see all the collections and the heritage of each company and the connection with the past, in this sense all vehicle manufactures exposed their history with the specific design, different in every year. In the 2010 Paris Motor Show edition during the Incredible Collection there were 10 manufacturers exposed an important page and moment of their cars history, in particular there were some old prototypes and the history of their invention, also the development of an idea, and the ancestry and the genesis of the most important models of the past and their evolution and changes in the history. The participants of this initiative were the most important cars companies in the world. Models and interesting prototypes: the French company Citron with the C4 and its evolution in the history from its birth in 1931 (a family car of 7 places!) with models coming from Le Conservatoire, the Peugeot with the evolution of 404 Berline model created in 1967, the Renault with the 40 CV of 1924 model to the R5 Maxi Turbo of 1985, the Italian Alfa Romeo with the Museum of Arese in Milano showed the history of Giulietta, Mercedes-Benz with its Museum in Stuttgart and its model of 300 SL created in 1955, the American Jeep Chrysler with the Chrysler Museum of Michigan and the history of Willys Station Wagon from 1946 to 1965, the German company Opel with the Kadett of 1938 from the Opel Museum in Rsselsheim and Mazda with the collaboration of the Mazda Museum in Hiroshima, Mitsubishi and the Mitsubishi Auto Gallery in Okazaki, Nissan and the Nissan DNA Garage in Zama. A rich collaboration between vehicle company in particular of Italy, US, Germany, Japan and France and museums and collections. Over 40 charming works of art and of design, with the precious help from collections and museums, exposed in a special backdrop. This event confirm the importance of this kind of design that is nowadays more used and appreciate by customers and from people who love cars and the past models. For the occasion there were also the collaboration of the two major French institutions of historic importance, that are The Fdration Franaise des Vhicules d'Epoque (FFVE), and the Automobile Club de France (ACF). The exhibition was a completely success and therefore it will be possible to visit and see these works of art also for the next edition of the Universal Expo 2011 Motor Show of Paris. Because these models of the past are important part of our history, that describe the design evolution, trends and tendencies.
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