Automobile Insurance In Michigan Has Strict Laws
Share: Automobile Insurance in Michigan holds strict laws when it comes to the automobile insurance
. All of these laws are implement to insure the safety of people and their properties. People who do not follow these laws are held liable and can be fined heavy amounts and might have to spend days in imprisonment.
Automobile insurance is important if you own a vehicle, because it provides you safety from the unseen dangers and the heavy expenses caused by them. Keeping and maintaining a vehicle is not very easy but if your vehicle ends up in an accident then it becomes even more difficult to cope with the expenses, in addition if an injury takes place then hospital expenses are included.
So having an automobile insurance in Michigan is a must for the safety and protection of your family and other citizens. The State of Michigan makes sure that you have got strong automobile insurance cover, by making it mandatory for every vehicle owner. There are a lot of insurance companies that are providing different packages and offer different rates.
If you are living in Michigan then you must get an insurance that wrap the three mandatory conditions such as:
Share: First condition is that insurance should contain personal injury protection and the expense coverage limit should be infinite as it must pay all the medical expenses if you get hurt during an accident, other states might have different laws as some states outline the minimum amount the insurance company must pay in case of physical injury.
Second is the property protection, it refers to the damage to the property of other people which is caused by the vehicles during an accident. It covers the expenses up to $ 1 million. By making this law mandatory the Michigan state not only protects the right of the drivers but every other person who can be a victim of any automobile incident in anyway. Although in many other states this condition in the insurance is not mandatory, you can have it on your expense if you do not want to spend money then just forget it but later on it can cause you irreversible damage
Third and last mandatory condition is the insurance of residual body injury and property damage. It has different levels that vary with the consequences of the incident. If you are liable for damaging property then the minimum limit insurance cover handle on your behalf is $10,000, if you have hurt someone then for your defense your insurance company will pay minimum of $20,000, if someone has been killed in a severe accident then it $40,000.
These are the minimum requirements of automobile insurance in Michigan and by far these rules are working in favor of citizens for their own protection and their implementation is also assured by the State.
by: Lance Thorington
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