Auto Traffic Tycoon Review - The "Insider" Review You WON'T See Anywhere Else!

Share: Auto Traffic Tycoon Review - The "Insider" Review You WON'T See Anywhere Else!
Hi folks, and thanks for reading my Auto Traffic Tycoon review! My last few Clickbank purchases have been successful and so I decided to give this software a go as well.
I must say that I think that recent FTC regulations as well as Clickbank tightening the reins on sales page copy has been a good thing, as the last 4 purchases I have made were very successful in terms of improving my online revenue streams.
I make it a habit to purchase every product I review, and Auto Traffic Tycoon is no different. Many people have asked me why there are no "negative" reviews on my blog, and the answer to that is simple. I don't do reviews of products that I hate! My goal with this blog is to write about only the software and products that have helped me the most, so that they may help others as well.

Share: Alright, let's get into it! This software system is the brainchild of Affiliate Marketer Danny Carter. As the story goes, Carter was struggling at affiliate marketing and wanted to create an automated system that would bring him traffic and in turn, sales conversions.
After perusing several Auto Traffic Tycoon reviews, I saw it referred to as an "Affiliate Marketer's dream" several times! Of course, this may have just been sales hype. Once I downloaded the product, however, I immediately realized why people were calling it that.
This software is an "Artificial Intelligence" software that actually automates just about every aspect of an affiliate marketing business. It really does do it all. It does keyword research, creates content, builds links, and even constructs whole niche sites! Very impressive, indeed.
In my opinion, one of the biggest assets of this software is it's ability to eliminate your outsourcing bills. Let's face it, if you are a successful Internet Marketer, chances are you are outsourcing a lot of your work, and that costs money. This software will literally help you cut out about 70% of your outsourcing bills!
What's Included?
The Auto Traffic Tycoon software package consists of:
1. The Auto Site Builder Traffic Booster
This part of the software will get your niche websites up and running automatically. It will configure with your hosting and automatically set up Wordpress blogs for you. There is also an option for free hosting if you don't want to invest in your own.
2. Keyword Research
This keyword research software is unlike any I have ever seen before! It collaborates with Google Trends, eBay, Amazon and other popular websites to let you know what people are buying a lot of at the moment. This is extremely powerful information! It will also use the Google Wonder Wheel to find you great keywords that have low competition so you can rank on page 1 of most search engine results!
3. Content Creation
This part of the software will generate tons of unique content in the form of articles and will also grab images and videos related to your keyword for added site value and search engine traffic.
4. Traffic Quake
This is the SEO automation part of Auto Traffic Tycoon and it automates the entire link building process, allowing you to get a ton of high page rank backlinks to your content. This pushes your content right up the search engine ladder and ahead of everyone else in no time! In my opinion, this software alone makes this package worth the price!
Review Conclusion
I wrote this Auto Traffic Tycoon review because I really agree with the label of "Affiliate Marketer's Dream". This is a full-on automation package with Artificial Intelligence to boot! This is a great tool, and if you use it properly, you'll get good results! It's going to make your job a whole lot easier!
As with all Clickbank products, there is a 60-day full money back refund policy, so you have nothing to lose by giving it a shot. It's also reasonably priced at $37.
My Rating: 4.5/5.0 Stars
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Auto Traffic Tycoon Review - The "Insider" Review You WON'T See Anywhere Else! Ann Arbor