Auto Trader South Africa

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Auto Trader South Africa
Our readership keeps growing and currently stands at 528 000 readers per week in print and more than 400 000 unique online visitors per month. Equally impressive is our inventory of over 30 000 vehicles, which is evidence of our success in bringing people together; who are looking to buy or sell a vehicle. We are glad to be able to offer the largest possible choice of both franchised and non-franchised dealers, independent dealers and private sellers.
The South African Auto Trader was officially launched on the 16th April 1992. The publication cost 50c and comprised 24 pages.

Share: On 24 September 1992, we expanded into KwaZulu-Natal and on 18 February 1993 distribution was started in the Cape Peninsula and Boland making us a nationwide selling medium. Distribution to the East Coast, mainly in Port Elizabeth, began on 13 May 1993.
Auto Trader broke the 100-page mark in July 1993 and hit a maximum of 112 pages with a cover price of R1-50. Full colour gloss was introduced on 13 November 1993 comprising of an eight-page section giving a new dimension to the magazine. At the end of June 1994, the magazine had reached the 72-page mark under our new format and ad rate structure, which included 40 pages in full colour. The cover price was raised to R3-00.
1995 saw the publication increase to an average of 104 pages and a cover price of R4-00. At this point the success enjoyed by readers and advertisers increased, and a platform was created to consolidate this in the challenging year ahead. During 1996 the pagination grew to an average 128 per issue (cover price of R4-50) and the magazine became available in our neighboring foreign countries (Namibia & Botswana).The same year also saw the Private Photo Agent service expand into the Eastern Cape - giving credence to the aim of a nationwide photo service.
1997 saw us continue to grow from strength to strength. In November the gloss paper was replaced by improved quality newsprint.
Our web site,, was launched on the 5th October 1998. This also became the year when the all-time record of 260 pages became the 'best ever'. Within six months this figure was beaten again and by November 2000 the magical figure of 300 pages was realized for the first time.
A year later, November 2001 saw the previous record of 300 pages beaten by another 100 as the magazine reached another all time record at 400 pages. In October of the same year the alpha-sort concept was introduced whereby private adverts where alphabetically sorted by make, thus enhancing the 'ease of search' for readers in the magazine.
In February 2002, Auto Trader celebrated its 500th issue. In September of the same year, another 100 pages were added to the already incredible total, bringing the grand total to 500. The following year the bumper issue in April set another record at 684 pages. July 2003 was also the month that the Auto Trader magazine changed its look from the old saddle stitched format to the new and improved perfect bound package.
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