Auto Service Gives Tips on Automotive Maintenance Procedures for Summer

Share: Tips on automotive maintenance procedures that will prepare your vehicle for summer are given by an auto service as a public service on its website
. Scotts Automotive, Inc. provides both easy maintenance procedures that vehicle owners can do by themselves and more complicated maintenance procedures that should be done by a professionally trained and skilled automotive mechanic. Also included are diagnostic check ups by the automotive mechanic.
In following these maintenance procedures, the risk of mechanical failure and breakdown for your vehicle is lowered and vehicle owners can hopefully lessen the need for car repair. It will also lengthen the running life of the vehicle and will definitely increase its resale value.
Summer can be a challenging time for a vehicle. The vehicle is still suffering from the effects of the previous winter which has also put much stress on its parts and body. In summer, the factors that could cause problems include high heat, dust and traffic that is stop-and-go. Taken together, these factors can cause the vehicle to malfunction.
Auto AC repair is a common need in summer. Vehicle air conditioning operating systems that are not well maintained are most likely to fail in high heat. To avoid auto AC repair, ask a qualified automotive mechanic to check your vehicles air conditioner regularly, and especially before summer. Follow the instructions in the owners manual on the schedule of replacement for the air conditioners filters.

Share: The summer heat causes vehicle overheating which can damage the engine and transmission. To prevent this, completely flush and refill the vehicle cooling system every two years. Ask your automotive mechanic to regularly check your coolant level, condition and concentration, as well as your vehicles drive belts, clamps and hoses.
Follow the instructions on your vehicle owners manual on the schedule of replacement for your oil and oil filter. Do this more frequently, though, if you make long trips with heavy loads or towing a trailer, or if you make frequent short trips.
Follow the instructions on your vehicle owners manual on the schedule of replacement for all other vehicle filters, including the air filter and fuel filter. Do this more frequently if you drive under very dusty conditions. If you notice engine performance problems such as hard starts, rough idling or stalling, immediately consult an automotive mechanic.
Have your brakes checked by an automotive mechanic regularly, and immediately if you notice any changes in performance.
Using eye protection and rubber gloves, regularly remove all corrosion on battery posts and cable connections, clean its surfaces and tighten connectors. Be careful not to touch the corrosion and battery acid.
Immediately replace any busted light bulbs. Use a dry rag to clean all light lenses regularly, being careful not to scratch them.
Clean your windshield regularly, replace worn windshield blades immediately and always refill your windshield washer solvent.
Have your tire pressure checked monthly. Before a long drive, check your tire pressure again along with your spare tire and jack. Regularly inspect your tires treads and sidewalls. Have your tires aligned if you find some uneven tread wear or if your vehicle tends to pull to one side. Rotate your tires every 5,000 miles.
Be prepared for any emergency. Make sure that your vehicle is carrying all the basic tools for troubleshooting as well as flares, a flashlight and a first aid kit. It would be best to always carry a cellphone wherever you go so that you can easily call for help.
Follow the aforementioned automotive maintenance tips given by a concerned auto service in order to prepare your vehicle for summer and watch how it lowers your car repair costs.
Auto Service Gives Tips on Automotive Maintenance Procedures for Summer
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