Auto Repair Prices Continue To Increase Where Do You Go?

Share: Prices continue to rise while values decline
Prices continue to rise while values decline. With each promising economic outlook report there are warnings that things may not actually getting better. For some the increase in mass transit costs have driven them back into cars, others simply was travel too far a distance or to too many locations to make mass transit an effective choice. Regardless the dependence on ones vehicle remains and along with the vehicle come the basic costs of maintenance and of course gas, which has also, obviously become more costly. In a time where many people are pinching pennies it's hard to see why so many people and even companies fear the costs associated with auto repairs.
Extended or Factory auto warranties can help to cover the costs of some of these repairs, but what about auto collisions? What about those who have chosen not to extend and warranty after the initial factory warranty has expired? They are stuck with what seems to be an ever-increasing bill. While the value of your home has gone down the price of auto repair, mainly due to the costs of parts has increased on average somewhere between 3 and 5 percent. While that extra warranty may provide a certain peace of mind, the cost involved may not be worth the risk. Some people are willing to hope that no major repairs will be needed in order to save that extra money. Only you the individual or the company can make this decision.
Items like fuel pumps, water pumps, full engines and even things as small as simple belts or even headlights or simple bulbs have increased significantly. For the smaller items you may want to attempt to install or fix them yourself. While there is plenty of information out there to help, there are obvious risks involved, including injury. Some people will even attempt the big repair or install jobs with little to no experience and the end result can be further significant damage to the vehicle in question. It a risk vs reward situation. There may be significant savings, not to mention personal satisfaction, from a job completed by yourself, but the flip-side as mentioned could be greater cost.
The obvious conclusion for many people will be to take their vehicle to an auto repair shop. The fear here of course is price. This seems to be a valid fear. Individual parts have risen anywhere from 30 to as much as 60 percent in the last 5 years alone. For instance in 2008 an engine replacement might cost around $2,400, in the coming year (2012-2013) that cost will be approximately $3,200. Power steering could go from $950 up to nearly $1,500. Radiators and similar items may see increase of only around $100. A lot of auto repair shops have kept the rate of labor at a fairly constant rate, as they to are trying hard for money.

Share: However, the worry amongst many is always getting ripped off by an auto repair company. Unscrupulous companies will charge premiums on parts and then fudge the numbers when it comes to hours billed for work. As with an consumer issue the onus is on the the individual or business to perform due diligence and research the company they choose thoroughly. High quality auto repair shops will have a history of exceptional work as well as a well-experienced staff. Often times these quality shops will be able to offer better rates too as they have better relationships with parts manufactures and even insurance companies.
by: Jake Linford
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