Auto Insurance Woodland Hills

Share: If you reside in the Woodland Hills area and own and operate a motor vehicle
, you are required to carry automobile insurance to drive your vehicle legally on public roadways. If you are caught driving your vehicle without a valid auto insurance Woodland Hills policy, you could face serious punishments including a suspension of your driver license, a suspension of your vehicle registration, hefty monetary fines and jail time if you are found driving without insurance more than once. The cost of driving without insurance can quickly become higher than the cost of purchasing insurance and driving legally. If you are unsure what insurance coverage is required in Woodland Hills, review the California requirements below.
Personal Liability
The state of California requires drivers to carry Personal Liability insurance to protect third parties on the road. If you cause injuries or property damage to a third party or multiple individuals, your Personal Liability coverage will pay for these damages up to the limits stated on your policy declarations page. While each requires their residents to carry minimum amount coverage, the State of California's requirements are significantly lower than other states. With a requirement of at least $15,000 per person/$30,000 per accident for Bodily Injury and $5,000 per accident for Property Damage, it is far to say that drivers should obtain quotes for higher limits if they can afford to do so.
Medical Payments Coverage

Share: While Medical Payments coverage is not required in the state of California, residents of Woodland Hills will be required to sign a form stating they were offered this coverage if they choose not to carry it. Medical Payments insurance Woodland Hills is designed to pay for injuries to the insured and passengers of the insureds vehicle no matter who is deemed at fault in an auto insurance accident. While some residents in the state of California opt to reject this coverage because they have medical insurance, it is important to research whether or not your medical insurance covers chiropractic services when deciding if you need Med Pay coverage. If you do not have chiropractic, or if you have a high copy or out of pocket expense, you should carry this optional coverage for increased protection.
Uninsured Motorist
Uninsured Motorist is another optional coverage in the state of California that must be offered by every insurer. Because of this, you will be required to sign a rejection form if you elect not to carry UM coverage. This coverage will pay for injuries to you and your passengers if you are hit by a driver without insurance.
Disobeying the law can become extremely costly. Rather than paying tickets and fines to the court and the DMV, you should bind insurance and keep yourself protected. With online tools available for quoting and binding, it has never been easier to purchase insurance on a low budget.
by: Barbara Jackson
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