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Auto Insurance In Foreign Countries

Auto Insurance In Foreign Countries

Different countries have different traffic rules and regulations and you should understand them because they will affect your car insurance

. There are several tips that will help you stay insured in a foreign country. Note that most American auto insurance covers only apply to the United States and Canada. Do research on these and other limitations and restrictions and get a different cover - this information is usually in the fine print. If you cannot understand the language of the fine print, have your accountant or lawyer go through it with you. Many of the major auto insurance companies have covers that will cover you in a foreign country, but they are more expensive. Insurance companies in the country you are visiting can also cover you.

Do research before renting a car in a foreign country to continue being covered by the insurance policy. If you are involved in traffic violations, your insurance company may drop you. You should therefore research on the road signs and other driving rules and regulations. Note that in most commonwealth countries, people drive on the left side of the road, the signs are different in different countries, you may be required to display a provisional sticker in some countries, and different countries have different penalties for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. You should drive as safely as possible because accidents and other violations will cost you more than they would in your country. Always drive with your seat belt on, always maintain the speed limit, and take note of all traffic signs.
Auto Insurance In Foreign Countries

Your car insurance may be dropped or your premiums increased if the vehicle is damaged in any way. You should therefore lock the car doors at all time to prevent vandalism and you should drive safely to prevent physical damage to the vehicle. If the vehicle is stolen, there will be a costly car insurance claim. You should therefore lock the doors to keep away car thieves and you should only drive in safe locales. Use secure parking lots whenever you are leaving the car for more than a few minutes. Different cars have different insurance covers, depending on how expensive they are as well as the risk of theft. If you intend to keep the car insurance premiums down, go for cars that are cheap and safe.

There are several tips that will keep your car rental safe. Always check the rear seat and make certain there is no one there, avoid having a predictable pattern, exchange the car whenever possible, avoid travelling to secluded or distant areas and always use well-traveled streets. In addition do regular maintenance on the vehicle to prevent breakdowns, do not pick up strangers on the street, learn common phrases in the local language, and contact the company or the embassy security in case of suspicious activity. In most countries, you will only be insured if you have an IDP or an international driver permit. Only western European countries recognize U.S. driver licenses. To get an IDP, visit the American Automobile Association or the American Automobile Touring Alliance.

by: Levi Quinn
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