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Auto Glass Services for Commercial Fleets

Auto Glass Services for Commercial Fleets

Auto Glass Services for Commercial Fleets

Small or large, rock chips can be a huge determent for anyone driving on the highway especially service vehicles traveling long distances. This is because rock chips cause vision blockage and also because any type of movement, excess moisture, and/or extreme temperature can cause the chip to worsen very quickly.

As a semi driver you already know that the highways are filled with loose gravel and the upcoming winter will bring even more debris on the road. This is why you might want to know what type of rock chip repair services are out there that can save you money and time.

Hot tips on rock chip repair for commercial fleets

Did you know that most insurance companies cover rock chip repair? If you're unsure if you're insurance company provides this service give them a call and see how to go about filing a claim before you pay any money out of pocket.

Many auto-glass companies offer fast, same day service guarantees so that you don't have to worry about missing work. Some also offer to come fix it before or after their normal business hours if that's what's needed from the customer.

The best type of auto-glass service you can find is the ones that offer to come to you and repair your windshield on the spot. This process generally takes about 10 minutes and so this type of delivery' service can save you a lot on travel time. However, getting an auto-glass expert to come to the rescue when you're on a highway in the middle of nowhere may be a bit tricky.

Make sure you are working with a company that hires only experienced technicians and uses high quality glass.
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Auto Glass Services for Commercial Fleets Pirapozinho