Auto Fault

Share: Common faults, can experience sensory and equipment on the cars performance and appearance of the symptoms of abnormalities to judge
. Common failures are:
Automotive Automotive Performance anomaly is the driving force and the economy is poor, mainly in the automotive significantly lower maximum speed, vehicle acceleration deviation; vehicle fuel consumed in large quantities and oil consumed in large quantities. Often used tools launch x431, lexia3, mb star. Poor vehicle ride comfort, vehicle vibration and noise significantly increased. Poor vehicle handling and stability, auto trade deviation, front shimmy; brake deviation, braking distance is long or no brake.
Suddenly some car use is not normal and should be prevention: moving the engine suddenly stalled; need braking car without braking; winter car will not start; not start after engine flameout; moving steering suddenly failed; more What is more puncture and automotive vehicles such as spontaneous combustion fire. Symptoms more obvious and more complex causes, primarily in the automotive internal fault has not been attention to develop into a sudden damage.
Automobile use, failure is often the most vulnerable to the unusual sound of the forms. Under normal circumstances the driver and take the person can hear. Experienced abnormal sound Fasheng can Genju the site and sounds of different frequencies and tone judgments automotive fault, Bi Jiao Yi Ban sound boring Bingqiebanyou strong in the car driving Ji Shu Jiao Forum fault compared Yan Zhong, Ying parking, Jiang Di Fa Dongji engine speed or Guanbi to Chazhao Some sounds are some parts of the fault occurred, does not affect the use of vehicles, and sometimes not find it, can be a base or nearby car driven across the border into the vehicle maintenance department Please find experienced staff.
Moving very sensitive to smell occurs, the human sense of smell is very sensitive, there will smell the odor. Do not overlook the use of launch x431. Smell smell must first determine the vehicle or the environment odor. Automotive brake and clutch smell mainly on the issue of non-metallic friction materials, the focus of smell; rechargeable batteries special odor; automotive electrical system and wire burned pills only to discover. Leakage at some point be able to smell the burning oil smell and abnormal gasoline, must be full attention.
Car overheating car ministries showed the temperature exceeds normal temperature range. Engine overheating, the most obvious to the performance of the radiator boil; transmission overheating, overheating rear axle and brake overheating and so can be tested by hand or water test method shown, car overheating failure to do further examination to find root causes, such as the fact a long time caused by high load, generally do not affect use. In the case of internal organs malfunction, should be timely diagnosis and exclusion.
Engine exhaust smoke color is the appearance of the engine work. Normal combustion engine exhaust smoke color to a certain extent, the engine does not work correctly when the smoke color change. Blue exhaust oil burning engine, that engine in need of repair; engine combustion exhaust completely black, replace the fuel or ignition timing adjustment; engine exhaust is white, said the oil or cylinder in the water, should be wind Hong Kong stocks of fuel or motor vehicle inspection.
Automotive fuel leakage showed leakage, oil leakage, coolant leak, brake fluid leakage, steering oil leakage, oil leakage and refrigerant leakage, as well as battery fluid leakage electrical system and electrical system leakage and so on. Car overheating car can easily cause leakage and institutional damage. Such as steering oil leakage prone to steering failure; leak brake fluid, etc. can trigger Zhidongshiling.
Car parking space on the flat, the check will find that sometimes the appearance of vertical deflection and horizontal skew car, showing the appearance of disorder. Should pay attention to check the tire pressure, chassis and suspension damage, body damage and other anomalies. Also, you can use lexia3. The appearance of disorders that may affect the car to car use. Such as auto focus shift, severe vibration, steering instability and wandering and other vehicles.
Driving anomaly appears car will not be accelerated by running the driver, for steering and braking, can be perceived vehicle handling and executing agencies failure, in addition to the accelerator pedal, brake pedal, clutch pedal and steering wheel and transmission agency inspection and adjustment, the car should also conduct a comprehensive inspection. To find fault, normal maintenance, you can use.
Automotive fault diagnosis. Vehicles in use, the inevitable to various problems. Car traffic on the way, the failure to spot checks by the car driver, on the spot diagnosis on the spot troubleshooting, can the vehicle to continue driving; some larger or more complex fault car driver difficult themselves to the car mechanics and vehicle maintenance technicians to check the diagnosis, rule out the possibility. Car trouble changing, strange variety, but the fault diagnosis methods and steps are certain, as long as the basic method is correct, clear, appropriate methods, fault diagnosis is easily made.
Basically, the car fault diagnosis can be summarized as of 12: Wang Q, observation, auditory method, test, touch the law, smell method, replacement method, instrument, measure method, segmentation and partial dismantling Act Test and so on.
Application of these methods do have theoretical guidance; fully understand the use and maintenance of vehicles, fully aware of the occurrence of failure. For the car appeared on the relatively simple fault, just by experience and the senses can be issued to find the cause and location; for difficult fault, only with equipment and application-specific diagnostic equipment to find the fault, with the apparatus and equipment, but also will be used, must be combined with the use of maintenance experience, flexible application of the fault diagnosis method, the failure to make comprehensive evaluation. Finally, there mb star. In the diagnosis of continuous practice, constantly sum up and accumulate experience, they apply freely.
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