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Auto Crash - Being In An Auto Crash Is Extremely Widespread In Peoples' Experiences

Auto Crash - Being In An Auto Crash Is Extremely Widespread In Peoples' Experiences

The majority of people, at some point in their life span

, will be involved in an auto collision. You might not have been the driver, but in some way, an automobile collision may affect your life. Consider yourself fortunate if you don't know someone, or know someone who knows someone, who lost their life in an auto accident. We've all heard horrible stories about drunk drivers who end up killing an innocent family or individual. When a teenager dies in a tragic accident because they were driving recklessly, we all shake our heads in incredulity. Sadly enough, most automobile crashes could be prevented if folks simply paid closer attention to their environment and had more respect for other people.

I mean give it some thought - even if the accident is not serious enough to cost a life or cause serious injury, it can still total your car. This makes it impractical to ever go to the used car lot and trade it in, plus you will have to immediately take your money and start shopping new and used cars for a replacement - and chances are that used cars will be everything you can afford!

Drunk driving doesn't have to happen. That's the easiest form of auto accident to stay away from. Simply make the responsible choice to not drink and drive. Too often, the drunken driver is the one to survive the crash and the sober individuals end up losing their lives. It not ever seems fair. When you make the decision to climb behind the wheel after having some drinks, you are admitting that you have no respect for yourself or others. Lots of accidents also occur because people just aren't paying close attention. Each day, I see tons of drivers whiz past me while chatting a mile a minute on their cell phones. People may suppose that they are being responsible by purchasing hands-free kits for chatting while driving, but anytime you are excited about anything other than the road, you are creating a potential tragedy. Possibly it isn't a cell phone that is distracting you. I've seen people reading the newspaper while driving, putting on make-up, and my personal favorite - painting their nails. I'm astounded that more people aren't killed on a daily basis in my hometown because of the preposterous things that I've seen.

Anytime you are excited about something other than the road and other autos around you, it is putting everybody in danger. You may be singing along to the radio, drumming your palms on the dash and not notice the light turning red in front of you. There are still lots of people who seem to think that a yellow light means drive as rapidly as is possible to beat the light. Unfortunately, the person who is receiving the green light might not know that you believe you can beat the light. Abruptly, your rush to beat the light ends up in an automobile collision that might have been prevented.Auto Crash - Being In An Auto Crash Is Extremely Widespread In Peoples' Experiences

Take the time to look around you while you are driving. Realize that there are so many individuals around you who just do not have time for an auto collision that day. Learn how to prevent them.

by: Prestom Miller
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Auto Crash - Being In An Auto Crash Is Extremely Widespread In Peoples' Experiences