Australia and All it has to Offer

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Australia and All it has to Offer
Over the years, the country of Australia has garnered much attention, thanks in part to celebrities such as Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban and the late Steve Irwin. It seems that there is much more to see and do than meets the eye. After all, we all know that kangaroos come from Australia and that the Olympics were held in Sydney, but Australia is so much more than that.
Two summers ago, my younger cousin traveled to Australia with her then boyfriend in order to complete a study-abroad program. She loved it so much that the two of them decided to stay for a few weeks extra after their study abroad program was up just so that they could have fun enjoying the surroundings and getting to see the area and all that it had to offer. They ended up having a great time, and from what I saw in pictures, I am most sure of this. From scuba diving and snorkeling to fancy restaurants, an upbeat nightlife and breathtaking scenery, what is there not to love about Australia?

Share: If you have never been to Australia, you are not the only one. However, beware that if you are flying to Australia from the United States, it takes upwards of TWENTY hours just from points such as New York. If you are not comfortable with flying or if long flights bother you, then traveling to Australia may not be for you. In addition to this, it is often expensive to travel to Australia for the sheer fact that it takes a long time to get there. Because of the length of time, many Americans will break up the trip to Australia by stopping over in another country first. There, they will spend some time getting to sightsee in a different country before continuing on- all of which takes both time and money.
If you are thinking of traveling (whether to Australia or someplace else), consider the fact that certain types of international travel prohibits you from carrying any types of food or drink beverages that you have purchased in one country onto a plane that is guiding you into a different country. You will also want to make sure that you are up to date on all of your vaccinations that you need as illnesses have and do occur on occasion. Perhaps most importantly, you will want to make sure that you know what kind of currency is used in the country that you are going to. In most cases, if you are not sure and bring your current currency with you, once you get off of the plane, there is usually a spot or area reserved for those who need to exchange currencies.
Enjoy yourself. Australia has a lot to offer, both in scenic beauty as well as plenty of sightseeing opportunities as well as experiences that you and your loved ones will enjoy for a lifetime. Just remember to do your research, and when in doubt, hiring a travel agent never hurts.
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