Australia Tender for Supply Chain Implementation Project

Share: The Australian Antarctic Division is undertaking a Request for Proposal process to
acquire the services of an implementation partner to support the implementation of the recommendations of the AAD's Supply Chain Review 2004 and the 2009 DEWHA Internal Audit into supply chain processes.
Australia has a long and close association with the Antarctic going back to the 1800s. Amongst our earliest associations were an 1899 expedition to Cape Adare, on which Tasmanian-born physicist Louis Bernacchi travelled; support of Scott's 1901-1904 expedition and Shackleton's 1907-09 expedition; and the Australasian Antarctic Expedition led by Sir Douglas Mawson in 1911.
The Australian Antarctic Division was formed in 1948 to administer and coordinate Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions, which later became the Australian Antarctic program.
Australia maintains three stations on the Antarctic continent Mawson, Davis, and Casey and a subantarctic station on Macquarie Island. All have modern buildings with living quarters, research laboratories, power houses, stores, workshops and other operational facilities. Remote field bases operate during the summer research season, supporting coastal, inland and traverse operations.

Share: Australia's icebreaker, RSV Aurora Australis is the platform for a large annual marine research effort focussed on the Southern Ocean and assists in resupplying our research stations, with additional ships chartered when required. Resupply ships depend on favourable sea-ice conditions and can operate only during the summer season. A jet aircraft link, between Hobart and a new 3.5 km blue-ice runway near Casey, will greatly improve access and increase Australia's field support capability. Long range fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters operate in summer between the Antarctic continental stations and field research sites.
A new high-tech remote controlled helicopter, the OktoKopter', will map fragile coastal moss beds in Antarctica this summer. In scenes reminiscent of a James Bond movie, the eight rotor helicopter, equipped with cameras and sensors will sweep the Antarctic skies. But this unmanned aerial vehicle, developed by University of Tasmania researchers Arko Lucieer and Darren Turner, in collaboration with the Australian Antarctic Division, will have science rather than world domination in its sights. The remote controlled machine, about 20 times smaller than a real helicopter, will use remote sensing techniques to monitor the impact of changes in temperature, wind speed and UV-B radiation on moss beds at Casey station.

Share: Each year the Australian Antarctic Division undertakes the immense task of planning, organising and coordinating the Antarctic summer season.The Division manages Australian Government activity in Antarctica, providing transport and logistic support to Australia's four permanent research stations on the continent and on sub Antarctic Macquarie Island. This season the operations group will coordinate the movement of 500 people south and juggle the competing demands of about 80 scientific, remediation and construction projects.
Australia Tender for Supply Chain Implementation Project is seeking interested parties to provide the services of an implementation partner to undertake Phase 1, Stages 3 & 4 of the Supply Chain Implementation Project - Implementation Partner Services.
Australia Tender for Supply Chain Implementation Project
By: Corwin Smith
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