Attraction Spots For London Sightseers

Share: Below are some of the finest attraction spots the city of London has to offer
. Your tour of London will never be complete without your visit to some of these places.
Legoland Windsor is a theme park designed especially for two to 12-year-olds. Even grown-ups can have fun too, of course: but the prime age is from two to ten; kids that age will love everything about the place.
The Tower of London
This isn't just one tower, but acres of towers, ramparts, and a Green with resident ravens - is a must-see attraction on the Thames. Beheaded Queens, imprisoned princes, famous prisoners such as Guy Fawkes: history would be thick here even without the presence of the Crown Jewels and the Beefeaters.
Science Museum
London's sprawling Science Museum is kid-friendly all over, but children will especially love the huge interactive Launch Pad area.The "Hands-on" concept here screeches to a whole new level: kids have a blast; and grandparents should bring ear-plugs.
You can tour many Science Museum exhibits online, find out what's playing at the IMAX theatres, and check out visitor information.
Natural History Museum
The Natural History Museum is just a short walk from the Science Museum: a visit to both would make a worthy day of kid-friendly sightseeing. Dinosaurs are a star attraction, but there's much, much more in this huge museum, which is housed in a splendid piece of 19-th century architecture.
British Museum
The British Museum is one of the world's greats, and even if your kids rush through in a superficial manner, they will at least have seen the Rosetta Stone, and Egyptian mummies, and Greek statues-- all of which will make them feel proud and special back home in Socials class.
Try to explore the British Museum website before you visit: check out tips for families and children , including info on best things to do when visiting with kids.
Trafalgar Square and Royal Museum
Trafalgar Square was built in the 1830's to commemorate Admiral Nelson's victory at the Battle of Trafalgar; his statue tops a 185-ft. column in the square, above. Around the base of the column are four giant bronze lions.
To one side of the Square is the National Gallery , which has a vast art collection including many fine works by Turner. As with other of London's great museums, The National Gallery makes it easy for families to visit.
Visitors will find kid-friendly features such as "Family Sundays" with storytelling and art workshops; "family trails" to follow through the museum (printed, or audio); facilities (for baby changing etc.); holiday workshops and more. Check their web site for the latest updates.
British Airways London Eye
The British Airways London Eye was built for the year 2000 millennium and soon became an important landmark and no wonder, with its striking visual appearance on the banks of the Thames.
Taking a flight on the giant wheel offers a rare chance to get a birds-eye view in London, a city not known for skyscrapers.
by: Mathieu Courchesne
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