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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Treatment (ADHD Treatment)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Treatment (ADHD Treatment)

Hyperkinetic syndrome or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder covers a series of abnormal behaviors manifested during childhood, with onset before the age of seven. It may occur during adulthood too, as an effect of a pysichal or mental trauma, conflict, professional reconversion or forced career reorientation or any other events that force the individuals to reajust their lifestyle according to the evoirmental demands. Untreated, hiperkynetic syndrome delays the mental and biological development of the child and makes his social integration more difficult. In adulthood, the growup will encounter difficulties in carring out his academic and professional duties and in maintaining a healthy family and social life.

Although the condition occures before the age of seven, in certain contexts the attention deficit is not noticed nor diagnosed until maturity. In this situations, the child compensated the lack of attention with his own mental resources and was able to furfil his responabilities during preschool and school. The hyperkinetic adult however is consuming his creative and intelectual potential in the effort to compensate for this defficiency; the hyperkinetic adult will never be able to achive his true academic, professional nor economic potential. Thus he may become frustrated and in family life and social relations he may suffer from communication and adaptation deficiencies.

The hyperkinetic child is hyperactiv, impulsive and absent-minded. This major behavioral manifestations will reflect upon all the activities of the child for more than 6 months. They dominate his psycho-emotional life and in certain situations this behavoir may conduct to biological imbalanced which will trigger digestive, metabolic and immune defficiencies, sensitization of the respiratory system manifested by recurent virosis and common cold, growth and development disorders, sensitization of the nervos system due to nervous tension accumulation, etc.


agitation (the child is fidgeting, moves his hands and feet when he is sited, he has an unresting sleep)


impatience (if he has to be sited the child will get up and start climbing, runing or bouncing)



the child is blatant, he cannot play quietly


impulsive and uncontroled reasoning and behavior

the child answers questions before the are finished

during games with rules he has a hard time waiting for his turn

the child interrupts or disturbs other people's conversations


diminished attention

the child becomes easily distracted, external stimuli will easily catch his attention

concentration difficulties

the child cannot maintain focus on one task and becomes bored quickly, unless he does something enjoyble

the child has difficulties on focusing attention, organizing or completing a task or learning something new

frequent mistakes in furfiling assingments due to lack of attention

absent-minded, the child seems not to listen when spoken to

he neglectes his tasks and activities because he doesn't have the patience requiered to complete them or to listen for the instructions (although he can understand and complete assingments)

agresiveness or rejection when the child is asked to sustain a mental or attention effort

the child often loses personal items

neglecting the daily timetable or other daily activities

the child is unable to plan or organize his activities

Mentally, children with attention deficit are gifted with the same potential as other children are. If a neurological disorder is not the involvede, these children have to be thought how to control their mental procceses, how to organize their lifestyle and how to use correctly their mental resources in the activities they get involved. Parents with children diagnosed with attention deficit have to understand that these children need to be loved unconditionaly, they have to be encourage when showing a positive behavior and patiently guided when they make a mistake. Their mental energy and resources have to be directed towards areas which fascinates them, they have to be thought how to develop a corect self-discipline and how to acquire good social skills by joining a community. For these children playing is the best way to relax and learn.

Adults diagnosed with hyperkinetic sydrome have difficulties in concentrating, memorizing and accessing the information previously memoriezed. They are impulsive, disorganized and untidy; they permently feel uneased and avoid activities that require calm and patience. Professionaly they are unable to maintain a stable employment and they are having a hard time keeping deadlines. Emotionally they are unstable and avoid to envolve in long-term relationships or to develop affection for others. They have an unpredictible behavior, sometimes violent. The frustration they resent from their maladjustment to the social and professional envoirement may lead to anxiety and depression. The hyperkinetic adult has a poor self-estem and shows a strong predisposition to deviating behavoir, abuse of narcotics, tabacco and alcohool. They seek permently ways of discharging their stress and anxiety, of escaping reality and realeasing their inner tension.

Causes and treatment

The first step to take in treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is to diagnose corectly the patient, after a long observation of his behavior: in class, interacting with the community, at home, etc. Identifing the primary causes of the syndrome is also important: a neuro-biological disorder in the activity of a certain type of neurotransmitors, a disfunctional familiy, excesive stimulation or neglection during infancy and early childhood, physical or psychological traumas suffered during pregnancy by the mother or by the baby in the first stages of life, a child's reaction to stress, lack of discipline or social skills, an inhereted disfunctional gene, complications during pregnancy or at birth, exposure to toxins or chemical pollution during pregnancy.

Neurobiologist consider that hyperkinetic syndrome is caused by imbalances in the levels of dopamine and noreprinefrine, hormons that transmit information between neurons. Dopamine is responsabile for motricity and recent british studies have shown that dimished levels of dopamine allters one's reasoning and the capacity of making decisions. Norepinephrine or noradrelaine it's the neurotransmitor that controls moods, blood presion and excitement. It plays a major part in cognitive, emotional, endocrin and neuro-vegetative activity.

This neuro-biological imbalance occurs after a faulty neuronal activity / short-circuit in the neuronal activity. Certain recivers located in synapses are partialy blocked by intense shocks, traumas or any other causes mentioned before. Information conducted by dopamine and norepinephrine is no longer read properly by the blocked receivers. In order to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder each disfunctional neuronal connection has to be rebuild by releasing the blocked synapses and recalibrating the receptors that receive dopamine and noradrenaline. The acupuncture techniques imployed act upon the blocked receivers to decalcify and to redesign their structure. Cerebral biocurrents are balanced with the help of herbal formulas and acupuncture. The bioactive substances within these formulas also act for the rejuvanation of the damaged or disfunctional cerebral tissue. By restoring a normal brain activity, healing the damaged tissues, stabilizing the neurotransmiters secretions and restoring a proper polarity in the synapses, the activity of the brain is stabilized and the cognitive functions, such as focusing, concentration and memorizing will be normalized.
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Treatment (ADHD Treatment)