The great thing about this marketing strategy is that its free. This is all about writing your own unique content and distributing to multiple article directories online. If you have tracking software on your blog or website, you will have google crawlers crawling your website ranking it depending on how much unique content you have
There is no excuse for not being able to write articles. Let me give you some ideas on topics you can write articles on
1. What things are working for you in network marketing
2. How did you come online
3. You can write articles about other network marketers
4. You can write about other online marketing strategies
5. You can write about the power of the internet for your network marketing business
6. You can write about other network marketing companies
As you can see the list is endless when it comes to writing good content about any topic. It just took me a few seconds to come up the list above.
So where do you go from here. Firstly get writing, then I would recommend buying some article submitting software. Article submitting software is software that will automatically submit your articles to multiple article directories on the internet. This is very powerful for two reasons.
1. You are going to get way more exposure as now you have way more links out there on the internet
2. You are going to get your website ranked much higher as the search engines rank websites much higher if they have unique content and link popularity
Article marketing can be a potent weapon in your marketing. You must start introducing it into your marketing portfolio as soon as possible. To Learn more go here..
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