Are You Trying To Learn Ninjutsu On Your Own? Where Do You Find The Information You Need?

Share: If you're going to train on your own, for whatever reason
, it's important that you have access to the information that you'll need to be successful. Remember that information is power.
But, not all information is correct or powerful in and of itself.
As I tell the students in my online ninja training programs, no one is self taught. Everyone, especially those of us looking to learn something as deep and unconventional as the art and philosophy of Ninjutsu needs to learn from others who have the information they need.
So, in a way, even the authors of books and videos are essentially your teachers - even if you never meet them. Of course, they can't give you any kind of feedback about your progress or ability to demonstrate the techniques that they share, but they are teaching you important lessons nonetheless.

Share: Here is a list of some of the resources and avenues through which you can learn about this art, as-well-as to gain some of the insights, techniques, tactics, and strategies that you'll be responsible for practicing on your own.
Of course, you will need to decide which will work best for you, given your current situation and resources. The point of this article is not to tell you which of these is best. However, you may find that you will need a mix of these avenues, rather than limiting yourself to just one or two - especially if your goal is mastery and not merely learning a few "cool moves."
1. Books - These are good sources of information and usually cover a wide range of topics. Books are a good medium between the text-only format of articles, and the demonstration and presentation quality of video.
2. Articles - With the exception of the longer versions found in national magazines that can often include photo series depicting static technique examples, articles are generally single-topic pieces that are quick reads and allow you to pick up a simple, isolated idea or strategy.
Of course, the problem with both articles and books is that you have to like to read. Unfortunately, as most people who are attracted to the martial arts tend to be physically, rather than mentally oriented learners, these two mediums may not appeal to some.
3. Videos - I've always said that if the ancient masters had the technology that we have today, the scrolls would have been video tapes and DVDs instead! Especially in the art of Ninjutsu, you cannot beat the ability to watch a technique actually being demonstrated.
And, unlike regular classes or seminar training, where you have to rely on your own interpretation of a technique, as-well-as your memory after training - videos allow you to "take the teacher home with you," and to play back a technique again and again until you get it.
4. Home Study Courses - These can include both written materials and video. Home study courses however, are unlike the above individual resources in that they have a set agenda and an established curriculum and work-flow.
Where books and videos provide information on given topics, a full home study course provides something these other learning resources do not - logical flow for progress and skill development.
5. Internet-based Training Programs
As with my own programs for my long distance students, you will start to see more and more programs becoming available in this area. These courses can range from short subject mini-courses delivered via email, all the way up to full online ninja training programs where you get live weekly call-in classes, webinar presentations, training videos and other materials.
These courses are just like the new trend of online college courses and degree programs and are a great substitute for those who want the guidance of a teacher but are limited by distance, finances, etc.
6. Seminars & Workshops - I have several students who live quite a distance away from me. These students make the several hour journey to attend my regular seminars and workshops as the means by which they get the information that will form the basis for their solo training activities in between sessions. This is not unlike how I, many of my peers, and even the grandmaster himself got our training from our own teachers once upon a time.
7. Ninja Training Camps - These events are like seminars but tend to be more intense and all-inclusive training opportunities. There is typically a theme which governs the outline and topics of a camp, and very often the price of the event covers everything from training to meals and lodging as well. This makes Ninja Camps an intense, multi-day training experience, uninterrupted by the distractions of the world.
8. Training in Japan - While you can certainly seek out the information to do it on your own, many teachers offer guided training trips to Japan each year for serious students. Rather than getting yourself bogged down in the details of getting around, figuring out schedules, and navigating a foreign country, myself and others have taken all the guesswork out of a trip.
This way, you are free to focus on training, site-seeing, and learning about the history, spiritual roots, and other sources that gave Ninjutsu it's power.
9. Private Training - Of course, if you can afford the money but are short on time, or your schedule does not allow for you to attend regularly scheduled classes, courses, or events - you can always arrange for private, one-on-one training with your teacher. While these sessions are admittedly more expensive than any of the other sources of information listed here, they also give you the most flexibility in that you can usually dictate what you want to learn during your time with your teacher.

Share: Of course there are other methods for obtaining the information - several of them actually combine a few of those listed individually here. One worthy of mention is something that I did many times to get the training that I needed. And that was to host or sponsor a seminar with my teacher.
This method actually killed two birds with one stone - if I can borrow an old saying. By doing this, I was able to provide a training event for others who were far away from the teacher like myself, but they lived close enough to me to make the trip easier to handle. Sponsoring a seminar also allowed my to be slightly self-serving in that I usually got to pick the topics and, since the other participants were paying to attend, my training was usually a lot less than it would be if I were going to someone else's event.
And, since my teacher was usually in town a bit longer than the event, I was able to arrange for some one-on-one private training outside of the seminar itself!
by: Jeffrey Miller
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Are You Trying To Learn Ninjutsu On Your Own? Where Do You Find The Information You Need? Amsterdam