Applying Online For Vietnam Visa On Arrival

Share: Visa on arrival is a special visa service allowed by certain countries for some of its tourists
. Vietnam visa on arrival requires special approval of Immigration Department in Vietnam. As the name goes, this kind of visa can be obtained only when the visitor arrives at his destination. The visa is issued at the airport after the visitor gets verified and cleared by the customs authorities.
New travelers often feel that visa on arrival is not a valid visa and that they might get into trouble when it is time to renew their visas. This is certainly not true. Visa on arrival is entirely legitimate and one can easily renew this visa provided he has a valid passport with him.
Vietnam visa on arrival is also known as urgent visa or Rush Vietnam visa. For availing a visa on arrival one has to hire a Vietnam visa processing service. Finding an online service is the best way to get things on track. Online visa services were actually introduced to help tourists in getting urgent visas to their destinations. So do not hesitate to avail online services, they are 100 percent safe and authentic. Moreover, Vietnam Visa Services are not much expensive. The entire procedure of getting an appropriate tourist visa might cost you around 60 to 70 US dollars.
For getting a Rush Vietnam visa online, you will have to fill out an online Vietnam Visa on Arrival form. The form is quite simple and prompts you to choose your day and date of visit, number of visitors, duration of the stay and the destination airport. An important thing to note- Visa on arrival is only offered to citizens who land at international Vietnam airports, namely, Da Nang airport, Tan Son Nhat airport located in Ho Chi Minh City and Nai Bai airport located in Hanoi. Vietnam visa on Arrival form also entails the service fee charged by the visa processing company. Your form will be processed only if you pay the entire sum of your service fee.
Once your application form is forwarded to the immigration unit in Vietnam, you will be receiving an approval letter. In most cases, you will get the copy of the letter within 24 hours. If you are applying for express delivery, you can expect it in about 4 to 8 hours. Once you get the letter make sure that you carry all the important documents as prescribed by the visa authorities. For getting a Rush Vietnam visa you will need your passport that carries a validity period of 6 months, passport-size photographs and approval letter copies. At the airport you will be asked to fill yet another form. You would also need to pay the stamping charges (25 US dollars) before getting your visa on arrival. For a visa that entitles multiple entries you will be required to pay double stamping fees.
by: anthonycaruana
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