Apple Will Keep Making the Best 'Trucks' On the Plane

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How would it be if you send an email to a famous PC maker and all of a sudden you get a reply from the maker himself? Well, I think it would be a good start for the day. This is something what happened to a technology journalist who sent an email to Steve Jobs and got the reply from Steve Jobs himself.
Actually during the eighth annual D: All Things Digital conference, sponsored by The Wall Street Journal, Jobs said it's only a matter of time when "PCs are going to be like trucks," less common but still important, while tablets like the iPad will increasingly catch on with consumers.
It is a changing trend that we are witnessing these days. As the tablets are experiencing growing popularity, similarly changing trends can be seen in other areas as well. Similarly, For example, while going for computer repair, people are also opting for online PC repair or remote PC repair these days.
This journalist after reading Jobs response sent him an email saying that he had been an avid Mac user since the age of 16 and now he is 35. He also informed about his physical challenge and hence also appreciated saying that the MAC and his wheel chair are the two most important piece of technology in his life. So he is worried on Jobs' comment that PCs will become trucks thinking that he might have to end up driving trucks for ever as he hasn't invested on iPhone or iPad.
Below is the copy of the letter by Steve O Hear:
Hi Steve,
I'm a long time Mac user, having owned my first Mac when I was 16. I've just turned 35. And the thing is, aside from my electric wheelchair, the Mac is the most important piece of technology in my life, having enabled me to live and work independently for approaching two decades... now a technology journalist.
But now, your description of the Mac (or PC era) as a truck has me worried. You see, I like racing the same cars as everybody else and winning.
However, the trend towards touch and other more physically demanding interfaces, as magical as they may be, is disenfranchising to say the least. A trend that you are setting with the iPhone and iPad, with your usual artistry and vision.As you know, your influence on the whole industry is huge.
It's not that I can't use the existing iPhone or iPad, just not as efficiently as everybody else, so I haven't invested in either. Am I now destined to drive trucks forever? And if so, please keep making the best trucks on the market. Or will you consider building iPhone/iPads with different form factors?
Just food forthought.
On this Steve Jobs replied through his iPhone: We will keep making the best computers on the planet. We love it.
So according to Jobs PCs are becoming a pass now and the touch is the new trend!!
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