Analysis Of Global Beef Market - Market Research Reports On Aarkstore Enterprise

Share: Beef is one of the important sources of protein
. With the growth in world economy, the beef consumption has seen a significant rise in past and hence it is now the third most preferred source of protein in meat consumption. World beef production and consumption is growing steadily and is expected to grow further. As the income level of the consumers has increased over the years, the food consumption pattern is seeing a shift to premium food products (which includes beef) which offer more nutrition.
Due to this shift in consumption pattern, the global beef trade has become more significant and is showing an increasing trend. The report analyses the global beef industry on different parameters like production, consumption and trade. It also discusses the countries which have significant contribution in global beef industry. Some of the countries have clear dominance in beef industry while others are solely dependent on these countries. The report analyses these countries and the key features which strengthen the presence of these countries in the market.
The other aspect that the report covers is the interesting facts about the industry in terms of the opportunities available in the markets. With the emerging markets growing at a faster rate, the consumption pattern has seen a significant shift in food items. Also few countries have a declining trend in beef production and increasing domestic beef demand compelling them to be significant importers of beef products.
The report covers the unique features of different regions which have contributed significantly to world beef industry. For example, Brazil is the leading beef exporter in world. The beef consumption in Australia is very less and most of the beef is produced for export purpose, hence making it a strong market for beef industry. Also U.S is a significant beef importer and exporter and heading towards equilibrium in both export and imports. The report also highlights the emerging market in beef trade, India, which has a huge potential in beef industry as it has one of the highest cattle stock in world.
By combining SPSS Inc.s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.
Table of Contents :
1. Beef Industry: An Overview
2. Global Beef Market
2.1 Market Overview
2.2 Beef Production
2.3. Beef Consumption
2.4. Global Trade
3. Country Profiles
3.1 Brazil Market Leader in Beef Export
Cattle Statistics
Production & Consumption
Beef Surplus
Per Capita Beef Consumption
Beef Export by Product Types
3.2. Australia Low Consumption, High Exports
Cattle Statistics
Slaughtering Trend & Forecast
Production & Consumption Trend
Export by Countries
3.3. United States Heading Towards Net Exporter
Cattle Statistics
Production & Consumption
Per Capita Consumption
Beef Deficit & Imports
Beef Trade by Value & Volume
3.4. India Emerging Market in Beef Export
Cattle Statistics
Production & Consumption
Per Capita Beef Consumption
Export Market Opportunities
4. Market Opportunities
4.1 Increasing Demand in Developing Countries Vs Developed Countries
4.2 Falling Production & Increasing Consumption in EU-27 and Russia
4.3 Shift in Consumption Pattern
5. Key Features
5.1 Key Growth Drivers
Population & Economic Growth
Rising Net Exports
5.2 Key Challenges
Impact of BSE Outbreak
6. Key Players
6.1 JBS
Business Overview
Key Strategies
Seeking Investment & Acquisition Opportunities
Expand Globally to Diversify Production Platforms
Focus on High-margin Products & segments
6.2 Tyson Foods
Business Overview
Key Strategies
Build a Multinational Enterprise
Emphasis on Renewable Products
Diversification Product-wise & Export-wise
6.3 Cargill Inc.
Business Overview
Significant developments
Sold Seara Alimentos Ltda to Marfrig Frigorificos e Com de Alim SA
Exit from Biopolymer Joint Venture with Teijin Limited
7. Market Outlook
7.1 Outlook
7.2 Market Forecast
7.3 Forecast Methodology
7.3.1 Dependent and Independent Variables
7.3.2 Correlation Analysis
7.3.3 Regression Analysis
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by: Aarkstore Enterprise
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Analysis Of Global Beef Market - Market Research Reports On Aarkstore Enterprise Copenhagen