Global Courier, Express & Parcel (cep) Market - 2009 Edition - Market Research Reports On Aarkstore

Share: CEP is a high potential market, the growth of which is directly related to the global GDP
, trade and population. The CEP market is an important part of the overall transportation and distribution industry and reflects the global industrial state and the growth therein.
Globally, CEP market is growing at different paces. On one hand, there is the matured market of the US, while on the other; there are markets which are still underdeveloped. The Asian market holds tremendous growth potential. With China being the most promising market in Asia, opening up opportunities for foreign companies and India picking up the pace, the Asian region is set to grab the limelight in the near future. Markets in Asia are flourishing due to the growing trade between India and China.
The worldwide CEP market is dominated by the four large delivery companies FedEx, UPS, DHL and TNT. The main target of all these companies is to strengthen their networks through their international alliances, agreements, strategic acquisitions and by exploring newer markets.
The report discusses the global CEP market and highlights the growth and characteristics of the various regional markets and countries. The report covers the major markets US, Europe, and Asia. The report also profiles the four major express delivery companies, focusing in-depth on their business strategies. It also highlights the major trends and issues prevalent in the market.
By combining SPSS Inc.s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.
Table of Contents :
1. CEP Market Overview
Segments of CEP Market
2. Courier, Express and Parcel Market Size
2.1 Global CEP Market
Growth & Potential in CEP Markets Worldwide
Global CEP Market Growth & Regional Breakdown
CEP Market Driven by GDP & Global Trade
Industries Utilizing Courier Services
Major Players & Market Shares
2.2 European CEP Market
Key European CEP Players & Market Share
Size, Growth & Potential of Parcel Market
Growth Drivers of CEP Market
European Trade & its Impact on CEP Market
2.3 US CEP Market
CEP Market Revenue & Growth Rate
US Express Market & Market Share of Key Players
2.4 Asian CEP Market
2.4.1 China
Chinese Express Market & Transportation Sector
Segregation of Service Providers & Market Share
Express Market by Types of Services
Growth in Parcel & Express Mail Volumes
Chinas Air Express Shipments
2.4.2 India
CEP Market Growth & GDP
Organized & Unorganized Sectors
Market Share
Size & Market Share of Courier, Express & Parcel
2.5 Russian CEP Market
Growth Rate & Drivers of CEP Market
Postal & Courier Services Revenue Growth
Market Share of Major Players
Domestic & Foreign Players
3. Market Analysis
3.1 Growth Drivers
Evolution of RFID System in Postal & Courier Services
Asia Pacific - The Emerging Market
B2C E-commerce Parcel Market
3.2 Market Trends
Postal Operators Gaining Ground on Integrators
Express Delivery Market Shifting towards Road & Rail
3.3 Key Issues
China's New Postal Law Restricts Market
Decline in International Freight Volume
4. Key Players
4.1 UPS
Business Overview
Business Strategies
Expanding through Cross-selling Services
Unique Business Model
4.2 FedEx Corporation
Business Overview
Business Strategies
Expanding through Acquisitions
Investing in Efficient Equipments & Processes
Expanding its Networks
4.3 DHL
Business Overview
Business Strategies
Restructuring US Express Business
Launching Initiatives to Drive Growth
EAC A New Performance Metric
4.4 TNT N.V.
Business Overview
Business Strategies
Strengthening its Core Activities
Focus on Networks Strategy
Financial Strategy
5. Market Outlook
5.1 Market Forecast
5.2 Forecast Methodology
5.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables
5.2.2 Correlation Analysis
5.2.3 Regression Analysis
List of Tables
Utility of Courier Services to Industries Globally (2008)
US - Major Players Share in Express Market (2008)
International Freight Volume by Airport (2007-09)
Dependent & Independent Variables of Express Market Size (200308)
Correlation Matrix between Express Market Size and Independent Variables
Coefficient of Determination
Regression Coefficients Output
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by: Aarkstore Enterprise
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Global Courier, Express & Parcel (cep) Market - 2009 Edition - Market Research Reports On Aarkstore Pforzheim