An Orthodontic Treatment for Teeth Gaps
It is normal to have a diastema at some stages of dental development and the space
eventually closes after the permanent canine teeth erupt into the mouth. For some people, the space does not get closed. Thus a diastema is a problem that requires comprehensive orthodontic treatment.
People seeking treatment because of a diastema are normally treated for cosmetic reasons. They may be self-conscious about having a small space between their teeth. But even a single diastema can affect your speech. When you speak, the tongue moves forward to produce certain sounds (for example:"S"). This constant tongue pressure can worsen the diastema and lead to more serious problems.
Children often get temporary diastemas. Sometimes diastemas eventually close when their permanent teeth emerge. If not, you can find a solution by visiting an orthodontist. The American Association for Orthodontics recommends that children have a consultation by age 7 in order to identify conditions that can be best treated early.
Causes of Diastema:
*A diastema can also be caused by an overly large frenum, which is the piece of gum tissue above and between your two front teeth. If the frenum is too thick, then it can impede the normal development of teeth and also the natural closing of the space between the two front teeth.
*In some people, a diastema is caused by lateral incisors, the teeth next to the two undersized front center teeth.
*Some people have under developed permanent teeth, known as congenitally missing teeth. If the lateral incisors are not developed well, then the extra space allows the front teeth to move apart and create a diastema.
The final treatment depends upon the factors and the orthodontists.
Treatment for a diastema starts with a consultation with an orthodontist. They will evaluate the problem and determine how to proceed with treatment. If you are ready for the treatment, the orthodontist will take impressions of your teeth to make study casts, conduct a detailed clinical exam, take a series of facial and dental pictures and finally they will take a full series of radiographs (X-rays).
Options of Treatment:
There are many options for the orthodontic treatment of a diastema. Some of the suggestions given by the orthodontists are,
Full braces (upper and lower)
Full braces on only the upper teeth
Partial braces on only some of the upper teeth
A removable appliance similar to a retainer
Treatment will depend on many factors such as your age, dental development and facial/skeletal relations. Facial / skeletal relations defines the face structure as long or short, narrow or wide face and symmetrical. Finally if you wear braces to treat your diastema, you will receive a retainer after the braces are removed. The retainer will maintain the corrected positions of the teeth.
For more details, please visit Dr. Sinh Ta's website at An Orthodontic Treatment for Teeth Gaps
By: drsinhta
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