American Violence: A Psychological Analysis Of The Mind Of A Psychopath

Share: Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy, along with a number of other infamous American serial killers were truly dark men encapsulated in a plastic shell
. From the exterior, these men appeared mild mannered, friendly, even charming. But on the inside lurked true monsters whose insatiable thirst for excitement could only be quenched by inflicting misery on other people. These men typified the quintessential psychopath.
Frighteningly, about one percent of the general population are psychopaths, yet not surprisingly this group makes up about a one fourth of the population of prison inmates. Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a bold disregard for the feelings of others; an abnormal lack of empathy. This fact, coupled with the fact that psychopaths engage in strongly amoral conduct is made dangerous due to the psychopath's ability to appear outwardly normal.
As of now, psychopathy is considered incurable and untreatable by many psychologists because a psychopathic's inability to connect with humans and lack of morals permits them to lie and manipulate with ease. In fact, traditional methods of therapy have only served to permit psychopaths to perform more efficiently. All of the practice in manipulation and the tools that therapy provides to feign emotion come in handy for this group. Psychopathy and lying come hand in hand. Because of a seemingly normal exterior that encases their dark nature, studies indicate that psychopathic convicts are 2.5 times more likely to be released from jail than a normal convict despite the fact that statistically, they are more likely to commit crime again. Like therapy, a jail sentence and a psychopath can be a dangerous combination. One can assume that after serving time, a person like this with no regard for human life or repercussions will only be better at committing acts of violence or crime.
Psychopaths are typically referred to as predators by psychologists who specialize in the field. Your general psychopath will get bored easily, requires more stimulation to obtain excitement, and receives a perverse pleasure from taking control over other human beings. They will stop at nothing to get what they want, using manipulation, charisma, intimidation, sexual intercourse and violence to satisfy their needs, without any feelings of guilt or remorse. Studies have proven that the threat of repercussions or punishment for acting amorally has no effect on these people either.

Share: What is truly scary is the psychopath's inherent ability to be a chameleon. Many are experts at mimicking normal human emotions, can be charming on the surface, and have the ability to blend in anywhere, in a variety of situations. Maybe the cunning ability of psychopaths to lie without concern for accuracy and to feign emotions are the reason why many people find them so charming, but really they are egocentric and possess a cold demeanor. Again, the psychopath's tendency to get bored easily combined with an increased need for stimulation, a disregard for other people and no fear of consequences can often create a deadly situation.
by: Mallory Nocks
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American Violence: A Psychological Analysis Of The Mind Of A Psychopath Copenhagen