American Idol of the current year that is 2010 has been much in the news amongst
the viewers and all of them are anxiously waiting for the season finale. All the candidates have been shortlisted and only three of the contestants have been left behind on the respective show with all of them having acquired a huge fan-following. Therefore it is expected that there is going to be a very tough competition amongst these three contestants. Its only a matter of wait and watch now. Maybe your favorite will be crowned the winner. Until then keep your fingers crossed. The episode that had been aired the previous night had been full of suspense that had resulted in spreading much excitement amongst the audience and the viewers sitting glued to their television sets. Where there had been something magical about the night it had been equally disturbing for many as well, since it upset the blood pressure of several people viewing it at home. Amongst the contestants Aaron Kelly is the youngest contestant who made it to the Top 5 finalists in the American Idol. But many including his friends say that he had also been Yoda. The seventeen year old Kelly, accepted his departure from the competition with maturity beyond his years and later spoke to the people regarding his musical heroes and being close to his family. Another member named Rex, who is a talented drummer, is full of praise for the respective show. The fact that there are platforms like the American Idol is praise worthy as it helps t recognize deserving musicians, such as the likes of Bowersox, who is currently in the competition to become the next American Idol, is credible.