Amazing Mobile Phone Insurance Claims
Share: It would appear there is never a dull moment in mobile phone insurance and for those
who may wonder what is so exciting about insurance, then you've only got to have a look at the fate of many iPhones, who have met their doom via the toilet or the pavement. These maybe the most common fates heard by
iphone insurance claim handlers, however there are stranger and almost unbelievable ones that make their way through the general destruction.
Who would think that you could be walking along the promenade, taking in the sea breeze and looking at the rolling waves, the next thing somebody throws you in the sea, but wait, your expensive mobile phone was in your pocket and now it has joined an unnatural union between water and technology, a very lethal mix for even the sturdiest of protective covers.
Then there is the claim for a very unlucky person indeed, not only did they trip over, but their phone took it upon itself to fly into the road, only to meet its fate under the wheels of a passing car. This goes to show if your phone is deemed to meet its maker, fate will step in with the ideal double solution.
Don't think your mobile phone is safe whilst you are brushing your teeth, especially if you are talking on it at the same time and especially if the tap is running, just one clumsy moment and a lapse in concentration and plop, water and technology creates another iphone insurance calamity.
Share: Spare a thought for the disgusting demise of one particular phone that through no fault of its own ended up falling into a bucket of vomit and subsequently failed to function, not surprising really.
If those four examples show how the plight of the iphone is a precarious one, we can't forget those mobile phones who meet their demise via puppies and the ever dangerous washing machine, of course where would the mobile insurance claim handler be without the daily clumsiness of trips and spills, resulting in cracked screens. Not forgetting the phones that meet their possible end by the good old fashioned sitting on.
If all of that seems to be predictable, then mobile insurance also has to cover theft from the bag snatchers, the sneaky thief, the grab an iPhone gang. That little phone, it's a wonder that they still exist, when there are so many dangers out there. But homage goes to the phone that couldn't get a signal and was lent out of a window in an attempt to booster reception, only for it to fall from safety and meet the unforgiving concrete.
Amazing Mobile Phone Insurance Claims
By: Emily Watkins
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