Alleviate Slipped Disc Pain With Chiropractic Care In Fayetteville
A Fayetteville chiropractor specializes in a natural method of chiropractic care
that deals with careful manipulation of your vertebrae and joints to alleviate pain caused by a slipped disc. The spine is a marvellously complex part of the musculoskeletal system and can easily suffer an injury which forces its joints out of natural alignment.
The terrible discomfort associated with this type of injury is usually quite severe and can severely affect the patients quality of life, affecting their mobility and causing discomfort whether the person is sitting, standing or laying down. Many doctors administer pain medications to alleviate the symptoms, but these do not treat the cause. Once the medication wears off the pain returns.
A chiropractic assessment will help your chiropractor to discern the cause of the problem, isolating the affected joints so that he can determine the best course of action for alleviating your discomfort. Realigning of the joints and discs is a painless procedure that uses simple but precise physical manipulation to yield results.
Most patients will feel an instant sense of relief as the pressure is alleviated once the joint is realigned. Inflammation in the tissues around the joints and disc is immediately alleviated as is the pressure that was placed on the surrounding nerves. Pain is reduced and the joint can move more freely.
Slipped discs will require ongoing chiropractic care, with follow up appointments to ensure that the joint is moving correctly and for the chiropractor to assess your progress. As the inflammation is reduced an adjustment may be required to fine tune the alignment of your joints and discs.
Immediately following an adjustment the patient should rest and only partake in gentle stretching exercises that do not place excessive strain on the injured region of the spine. Once the healing process is complete the patient may resume normal activities.