Each country has its own national flag. The symbols on them signify something significant about the country or the nationality.
Diverse countries have different symbols and several colors. Some of the national flags have pictures of animals on them.
The flag of Sri Lanka, the little island neighboring India, and positioned in the Indian Ocean, which is also recognized as the pearl of the Indian Ocean has a picture of a lion on it lifting a sword in its right front paw. This is supposed to symbolize the gallantry and courage of the Sri Lankans and the lion is a symbol of fearless power. The Bo leaves are supposed to be the symbol of virtue of the Buddhists. Each color in the strips represents the slight races such as Tamils and Muslims. This Sri Lankan flag is the most beautiful on amid all flags. Read more Flytning aarhus
Reasonably a number of flags have the sun, moon and stars on it. A few flags consist of only two colors. Some flags are very simple yet meaningful while some others are very colorful and appealing. Share:
A national flag is flown by the government but can be flown by all nation of the particular country. As a practice the flag is flown in communal and private buildings.
The merely non-rectangular flag is the flag of Nepal. Switzerland and the Vatican City have precise square flags. Libya has a flag of green color with nothing printed on it. This is the only national flag in the world with no designs or else symbols on it.
The national flag of certain countries depict the outline of the country that it represents. Cyprus, Christmas Island and Kosovo are countries with such flags. Read more Smedeopgaver
Saudi Arabia, Moldova and Paraguay have a unique characteristic about their national flags. That is the flag is not equal on their obverse and reverse sides.
The only national flag to slot in an actual modern firearm into its design is the flag of Mozambique.
When the Filipino Congress has affirmed the nation to be in a state of war the flag of Philippines could be hoisted upside down.
The national flag be supposed to always be flown in the position of honor and never in an inferior position to any other flag. Read more Brudekjoler
The national flag should be hoisted first and lowered last when displayed together with any other flags and also it should be flown on a separate post, higher or in the position of credit.