All About Successful Pressure Sore Treatment
Share: Pressure sore treatment is a continuous process that have to be carried out by people all around the patient as a team
. Many advanced techniques are being introduced regularly. Moreover, high tech pressure relieving devices are being designed to reduce the sufferings of the patients.
The treatment of bed sores can be broadly categorised into three stages as Relieving, Removing and Cleaning. All these processes are carefully carried out by people all around the patient as a team. A primary care physician, a wound specialist, nurses, dietician, social worker, neurosurgeon and the family members - all must involve in the successful treatment to extend the patient all types of support.
Relieving Process:
This involves the pressure relieving methods to provide comfort and relief to the patient.
Share: Reposition the patients as often as possible according to their requirement. Wheelchair patients are to be changed every 15 minutes and bedridden patients are to be repositioned every 2 hours.
Careful handling of these patients itself is a helping factor in reducing the pressure. While lifting the patients do not touch them unnecessarily. Use lifting devices while moving them.
Avoid shearing, sliding, slipping and frictional positions and minimize the pressure on the bed sores to prevent further damage.
Supporting devices such as pressure relieving cushions, mattresses, beds and overlays are to be used to provide comfort and relief from pain.
Routine check ups of the wounds several times a day from head to toe is a must to identify the likely sore places of the skin and to treat them early.
Removing Process:
To prevent further infection and damage and to attain fast cure, the area around the bed sores must be treated properly. The dead cells must be removed by a suitable method according to the severity of the wounds. The medical term for removing these tissues is known as debridement. Some of the debridement methods followed are surgical, mechanical, autolytic and enzymatic debridement.
Cleaning Process:
This is the most important step in the process of
Pressure sore treatment. It should be carried over as often as required. Light wounds require mild washing but severe wounds need washing and dressing. Dressing keeps the wound moist and the surrounding area dry simultaneously. This prevents infection in a great manner
Other Helpful Methods in Sore Treatment:
Gentle electrical current is passed to stimulate the area and thereby increase the blood flow around the wounded cells.
Negative pressure wound therapy also called as vacuum assisted closure is applied to stimulate the blood supply and help in growing new cells.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is given in a special room where air pressure is increased three times more than the normal room pressure. This enables the patient to inhale more oxygen easily and this in turn helps in new cell growth and cell healing.
Share: Proper Diet especially protein supply enhances the growth of new cells.
Skin grafting at the affected area is also done.
Pressure Ulcers and Sores are a major concern for the health care people demanding constant care and action from all people involved with the patient. This is one particular disease where treatment starts from effective prevention.
by: Grayson Peter
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