After the holiday in Mauritius Hotels, Three Couples Got Engaged
Share: After the holiday in Mauritius Hotels, Three Couples Got Engaged
Majority of the employees of Ebenezzer Company are still single. But there are few pairs of guys and gals among them who have special relationships when they leave for this holiday vacation. It wouldn't take you long before you will feel the magic of romance within the facilities of Veranda Palmar Beach Mauritius. Especially, when you get to their wedding facilities and their "honeymoon extras", you would really be compelled to get married soon. And why not go for it when you are ready. According to the scriptures, "...he, who finds wife, finds a good thing". The vacation was also a wonderful opportunity for the three couples who are in love to get to know more with each other. Veranda Palmar Beach Mauritius has a nice romantic dating place for Romeo and Juliet. It is indeed, a place conducive to love that these three couples are now engaged and had realized they are ready for a life-time commitment. And all these couples wanted to get married in one of the Mauritius hotels.
Well, in my last narrative I talked about their daily activities and I had concluded the article with their activities on the third day. And I deemed it proper to finish this narrative here and to give you the big picture of their week-long stay in Veranda Palmar Beach Mauritius.
On the fourth day, they went on sailing boat competition. Each boat has two people in it that will represent a department. Most of them are so inexperienced in sailing boat but they went for it anyway. And for the second time, the "department B" won the game. They just finished the morning by enjoying the sea. The rest did a boat rowing unfortunately, one boat got sunk, but the men had managed to pull it back and put it in place. The ladies who are now got scared of boat rowing went to snorkelling, instead and do sunbathing at the same time. The deeps of the Mauritius hotels were so fantastic and look like an "underworld paradise". You would really be captivated at the sight of the wonderful creation and the colourful coral reefs under water.
Share: On day five, they have a game similar to amazing race'. The purpose of the game is to make everyone got more familiar not only only the Veranda Palmar Beach Mauritius but all resorts under Mauritius hotels. They have a set of questions to answer. And these questions will bring them to the different facilities of Veranda Palmar Beach Mauritius or even to the other hotels. This game will take two days to finish. But the department who will win of this will have a great reward.
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