After fire or water destroys your home or business, Should you Fight or Dance with the Insurance Company Adjuster?

Share: After fire or water destroys your home or business
, Should you Fight or Dance with the Insurance Company Adjuster?
Your home or business has suffered a disaster such as fire or water. Is it time to fight, or is it time to dance with the insurance company adjuster? Feel the mood, listen to what they have to say, determine if it sounds true and then get ready to dance. Or in some cases get ready to fight, hire the experts, lock and load and fight for what you deserve. Your insurance settlement! It is unfortunate but in most circumstance one must be ready to fight and demand to get what you deserve, a fair settlement.
First - Fight or not to Fight? Do you really get more Bee's with honey? The decision to make a stance early on is not an easy one. It really depends on who the adjuster from the insurance company is, his qualifications, his mood, years at the company ect. In other words, it is not really the company, but the adjuster that is assigned to your claim that will dictate how you decide to respond. One can usually see within a week or two the intentions of the company adjuster. So let's assume it will be simply a dance which needs to occur. Then again maybe and most often not.
Second - Who will be leading the dance? The insurance adjuster deals with insurance claims on a daily basis and naturally wants to lead. He will want to establish his suprieriorty over you and tell you how it will work and how you get paid. After all, what do you, the insured, know about insurance adjusting. He'll steer you this way, and then that way, gracefully and smoothly, slowly spinning you around the dance floor. He will try and get you from one side of the dance floor to the other. But at what cost? Sure, it's easier to follow, but doing so requires giving up control. It's your home, so, clumsy as you may be about filing paperwork, insist on being heard. Make sure everyone understands it is you who has suffered the loss. You have the right to decide on matters, not the insurance company adjuster. You decide who does the restoration and who does the repairs.

Share: Third - Does it really take Two to Tango. While your insurance adjuster wants to remain in control and keep the money in the insurance company bank account, it takes two to tango. You have the right to disagree. You can negotiate. You can point out errors and omissions. If you want a fair insurance settlement, you need to get involved and you must be willing to be assertive. Otherwise, your insurance adjuster will sweep you off your feet and glide you across the dance floor, all according to his terms. Maybe you need a new partner. Someone who cares about you and not about the insurance company. Someone to support your position,-- A public Adjuster perhaps?
Four - Do the Hustle. Be prepared to do most of the work. Fire and Water damage claims often involve extensive damage and major losses. But guess who's responsible for documenting those losses? You are. Sure, your insurance adjuster will come in, snap a few photos, take a few notes and maybe bring with him his own partner, the "insurance company contractor". Company contractors love to do the hustle. That is all they know. They own that dance floor in their eyes. Why shouldn't they think so? They were brought to the dance by the company adjuster who is rolling out the red carpet for them? Why? Because they save the insurance company. In exchange they keep getting invited to the dance. But remember, be assertive, be positive, take charge. With the help of a public adjuster or if need be an attorney, you can be in control, you canprovide the company adjuster with proof of your losses, supported by dozens of photos and create a detailed list documenting every single item that was damaged or lost. Public adjusters assess the damages, create estimates and "work only for you, the owner of the business or property". Public Adjusters do not dance with the insurance company adjusters. They fight them. They fight them all day and night. They enjoy the fight because they love to the dance with the home owners. Public adjusters earn their living by serving the property owners not the insurance companies.
Five Mind if I cut in? Let the public adjuster cut in and take control, relieve you of the stress and take charge. Remember public adjusters report back to the property owners, not the insurance company. So it is the owner of the property that is then really controlling the dance. Statistics demonstrate it is financially wise to allow a public adjuster to handle the matters of insurance adjusting. Public insurance adjusters, such as the ones at Harris Insurance Claims Services are insurance expert who represents your interests and negotiate directly with your insurance companyfor your benefit.
If your property is damaged by fire or water strong consideration should be given to hire a or at a minimum discuss the matter with a qualified public adjuster. Harris Insurance Claims Services provides free consultations and have been dancing and fighting for the rights of property owners for decades. Knowledge is power. Take the time and understand the dance.
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After fire or water destroys your home or business, Should you Fight or Dance with the Insurance Company Adjuster? Campo Grande