After Holidays Warning To The North American Churches
Masses Head to Church for Christmas Season
There appears to be a lot of people who once again went to church or some sort of Christian persuasion this Holiday Season. It is about this time of year that many Americans go back to their Christian roots. There are a growing number of people that only go to church on Christmas and Easter and never darken the doors of a church the rest of the year.
The sad thing is America is headed the same direction as Europe. It was reported after World War II about 50% of people went to church on a weekly basis in Great Britain. Now they are struggling to have even 5% with some people saying as little as 1% attend church.
There are a record number of churches closing every year in England, some of them centuries old, but selling them to businesses to because of finances. I have seen pictures of some old historic churches now being such things as Bars, Clubs, and Tattoo parlors.
This is headed to America at an unbelievable speed. Many Denominations are reporting lower and lower attendance. The United Methodist church has lost as many as 50% of it's members in the last few decades according to some estimate.
While many people are in the Christian mood after recently attending churches this week, it's important not to forget Christ the rest of the year. I would like to remind you that as the churches are getting sicker in North America, the economy is falling apart. People look to the white house and the stock market for answers, but why do they forget the pulpits? If God blessed this country beyond any nation in the history of the World, why do we continue to neglect him and kick him out of this land?