Advice From The Implant Dentist In Chicago: Habits That Could Be Ruining Your Teeth!
Our smiles are one of the most important of our physical assets and perhaps one that says the most about our spectrum of emotion
. It also plays a fundamental role in attraction between and within the genders. So when people develop habits that can lead directly or indirectly to a compromised smile quality, it is the duty of the implant dentist in Chicago to heighten the awareness of patients. In most cases, people know what theyre doing is detrimental to their oral and general health; such is the case with tobacco smoking and chewing. But there are those habits that seem innocent enough until one day an unlucky slip can end up with you requiring new teeth in Chicago. This is frequently the case with patients who use their teeth as tools, explains the implant dentist in Chicago.
So, for your education and for the longevity of a healthy smile, here are some of the top habits that could be ruining your teeth!
1. You may one day need new teeth in Chicago if: You brush immediately after every meal.
Our mouths are at their most acidic after we eat, explains the implant dentist in Chicago, and this softens up our dental enamel. So, when you brush immediately after a meal, you can actually erode away the enamel, eventually leaving the softer and more vulnerable dentin exposed.
2. You may one day need new teeth in Chicago if: You keep forgetting to floss.
Flossing is an integral part of a home oral hygiene routine, stresses the implant dentist in Chicago. When you neglect to floss, you allow food and bacteria to accumulate between your teeth, which eventually harden to form tartar. If you wish to avoid cavities, dental caries, oral bacterial infection and the myriad of awful symptoms these conditions are associated with, then floss every day before you go to bed at night.
3. You may one day need new teeth in Chicago if: You avoid your dental check-ups.
Regular professional attention from the implant dentist in Chicago is a fundamental component of preventative oral healthcare. Most oral problems and conditions develop without the patient knowing, so without routine appointments with the dentist and hygienist, you can live with something potentially dangerous for many years. Infection and disease that cause tooth loss can quite easily be diagnosed in the early stages by the implant dentist in Chicago, before it has a chance to do lasting damage. But this is only possible if you go for regular check-ups.
4. You may one day need new teeth in Chicago if: You use your teeth as tools.
Using your teeth to pry open containers, force open bottles or to bite through something hard can put your pearly whites at extreme risk. While the enamel of your teeth is exceptionally strong, it is not invulnerable, warns the implant dentist in Chicago. Why risk chipping a tooth, when the bottle opener is at hand?
5. You may one day need new teeth in Chicago if: You grind your teeth.
Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a common habit caused by stress, explains the implant dentist in Chicago. Many patients do it at night and so are unable to consciously stop themselves. The consequences for your teeth, however, are absolutely devastating, so you should do something about it. The implant dentist in Chicago should be able to find evidence of teeth grinding, even if you have only just begun to clench your jaw in your sleep. The solution is generally a mouth-guard, but you may want to address your stress issues to really get to the root of the problem.
6. The implant dentist in Chicago also urges you to avoid these habits:
Tobacco chewing and smoking
Frequent teeth whitening
Drinking excessive amounts of coffee, tea and/or red wine
Drinking sugar-rich colas and sodas instead of water
Drinking bottled water exclusively (your teeth need fluoride!)
Getting a tongue piercing
Eating disorders
Drug abuse
Certain chronic medications
When it comes to the last point chronic medication the implant dentist in Chicago urges patients to make sure that they understand the repercussions for their oral health and take appropriate counter-measures.
by: Rooden Salle
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Advice From The Implant Dentist In Chicago: Habits That Could Be Ruining Your Teeth! Columbus