Advantages of Online Shops for Overseas Filipinos

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Balikbayan boxes are popularly used by overseas Filipinos to send gifts back home to their loved ones in the Philippines. However, other than the use of balikbayan boxes, many overseas Filipinos have also used the many capabilities of online shops and their online gift delivery Philippines to send gifts to the Philippines. So what are the advantages of using online shops compared to the use of balikbayan boxes?
Advantages of Online Shops for Overseas Filipinos
The advantage of using balikbayan boxes compared to the use of traditional packages is its size, which is usually as big as boxes used for moving. Because of its size, balikbayan boxes are capable of containing a number of gifts from apparel, toys, electronics, and accessories, to common household items, canned goods, as well as toiletries.
However, the main advantage of using balikbayan boxes is its cost-efficiency. If those items are sent in smaller, individual boxes, the cost can be significantly higher compared to the use of balikbayan boxes. The disadvantage of using these boxes, however, is its delivery, which is said to take weeks to even a month. There is also the lack of a solid delivery date.
Because of this, many overseas Filipinos have wished of a new method of sending their gifts without having to go through the usual hassles of arranging a balikbayan box as well as the time it takes before it arrives in the Philippines, which is why online services rapidly became very popular in the Philippines.
Online shops in the Philippines were established the same reason why online shops were established in many countries around the world, which is to offer customers a chance to do their shopping conveniently. However, for online shops in the Philippines, most of these were established to offer a chance for overseas Filipinos to send gifts easily and conveniently through their services.
The main advantage of using online shops, according to many overseas Filipinos, is its convenience. Compared to the use of balikbayan boxes, overseas Filipinos would only have to visit an online shop to send gifts back home. And within only minutes, customers can quickly browse through online catalogs, supply the necessary information of its recipient, and then have it sent on their online gift delivery Philippines.
Faster Delivery Service
Another major advantage of using online shops is the speed of its online gift delivery Philippines. Compared to the use of balikbayan boxes which is said to take weeks and even a month, online shops can offer a delivery service which would only take 2 to 5 working days, while other online shops, such as, can offer them a chance to send gifts within only 24-hours.For more information visit to our site at
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