Training is vital part for every organization. It is a learning process for employers and employees both which will define the success and development of the organization. It is continuous process which leads to quality performance of employees. It increases the work productivity as well as makes it more efficient. It helps to enhance the skills and abilities of the employees. In the fast developing economy there is constant need to understand the various technology terms. For this IT training is must for the organizations to have the competitive edge over the others. There are different methods to deliver training which includes on the job or off the job. Further they are bifurcated including e-Learning, m-Learning, Instructor Led Training etc.
Most of the companies go for the Instructor Led Training online because this is the most cost effective way and convenient method. In Instructor Led training method there is one trainer who guides the employees as well as solves their problems. The employees dont have to spend money on travelling as they can use office premises.
Advantages of Instructor Led Training:
Interactivity: This method is fully interactive as there is the instructor to whom the employees can ask the questions. Both trainer and trainees can view each others desktop. We can use web conferencing or voice over internet tool for this type of training.
Cost efficient and convenience: You dont have to move away from the office or home for updating your knowledge. As the overhead cost of the company reduce so they can transfer their savings to trainees.
Affordable: This is quite affordable method of training as the classroom sessions are expensive. We have to spend lot of amount on food, travelling etc which makes it difficult for the companies to give training to large chunk of employees.
Location Independent: Trainees can attend this course from anywhere it may be from India, USA, UK.
Sessions are recorded: With Instructor Led Training method there is no chance of missing the session. If any trainee misses the session due to some work he can get the videos of this session and update himself. These sessions are also posted on the training blog from where the trainees can access it.
Shorter Sessions: These sessions are quite short in time. Mostly they are 2-3 hrs and are scheduled 2-3 days. It covers only 10 hours per week which gives the time to trainees to understand the concept clearly.