Advance Your Business With A Business Cash Advance

Share: Are you a small business owner? Do you need to borrow money
? Maybe you should "think outside the bank" and consider a business cash advance instead. Unlike traditional loans from lending institutions like banks and savings and loans associations, a business cash advance is very simple and can be very convenient under the right circumstances. Basically, cash is advanced against your credit card receipts. A small agreed-upon amount is taken out daily. This way, there is no need to worry about "making" yet another bill at the end of the month.
A business cash advance can be quite a life-saver, especially to those entrepreneurs who have just set up shop. Well, not literally, as in just the other day, but practically - you can often qualify for a business cash advance with just four months' worth of credit card receipts to show for your ability to pay money back. As can be imagined, this has become quite a popular way of financing for many small-time business owners who want to avoid the administrative tangle and headaches of formal bank loans.
With a business cash advance, funds of up to a million or even more could be secured on the basis of only a business' daily credit card sales, and payback is only made in the form of money that's actually on hand - the credit card sales! If business happens to be slow, less money is paid back; if business is brisk, more is paid; it's the same percentage, as opposed to an absolute amount, which makes paying back much easier and much more likely!
Of course, terms and conditions will vary, but the description given so far should apply across this industry. With this kind of financing, many if not most small business owners should be able to bid good-bye (and good riddance!) to the typically predatory lending policies of banks and other similar institutions. You could keep all cash and checks for yourself, as you are only required to pay only a small percentage of your credit card receipts. This means that you pocket most of your income!
Getting a cash advance is no-hassle financing at its finest. With the overwhelming vast majority of such programs out there, there are no restrictions on how you may use your funds. It's simplicity itself, which is why it's so quick and easy to secure. Traditional loans do have their place, but if you need something more straightforward, apply for a cash advance and get on with the rest of your business!
by: Paul Wise
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