Adam Ginsberg Explains 5 Steps To Make Money Online In A Down Economy

Share: There are countless stories about people who have lost their jobs due to the down economy
. What separates the bad stories from the good are the people who have opened successful online businesses. Instead of trying to climb up the corporate ladder, these people looked in a different direction and became entrepreneurs. These people could have complained about their predicament and drained their savings account while doing so. Instead, they started various Internet-related businesses. There are many reasons for starting your own business, getting laid off is one of them.
Here are five steps to make money online in a down economy:
1. Whats Your Passion?
One of the keys to starting a successful business is to do what you love. Its a lot easier to work long hours when you enjoy what youre doing. For example, if you have a passion for mountain climbing in your local area, can you sell mountain guides and/or tours? Perhaps you have an affinity for cooking, can you create online cooking videos and cookbooks? Grab a pen and write down every passion that comes to mind. Think about how you can transform these into services or products. Run the idea by your friends and family and see how they react. Check out the competition online. You get the idea!
2. Choose a Relevant Domain Name
After deciding what type of service and/or product you want to sell, you need to purchase a relevant domain name to get started. Heres some tips:
Choose a domain name that is easy to remember. Shorter is better
Choose a domain name that ends in .com
Make sure your domain name is easy to remember and spell
Try and include keywords relevant to your product or service in your domain name
Dont be discouraged if your first choice is taken. Get creative and think outside the box. Purchase related domain addresses. Remember, your web address may be typed in incorrectly if you buy the misspelled URL and redirect it accordingly, you wont miss out on that valuable traffic. You can purchase domain names on my website: for $9.99.
3. Invest in Yourself
When it comes to running a successful online business, you are your biggest investment. Educate yourself as much as possible in everything related to your product and service. When it comes to joining the online community, it may seem like there is a lot to learn. Stop worrying. There are many online products that can help. For example, if youre selling on eBay, I have a number of services that might help including: TemplateOrganizer,HotSniper, and SpeedTRADA.
You should research online shopping, e-commerce platforms, social media marketing and marketing in general.
4. Create a Plan
Creating a plan is a very important aspect of starting your online business. Decide which tools you are going to use when it comes to hosting your website, designing your website, selling your products and marketing your products.
Utilize social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest to market and promote your items. These networks provide great, free ways to market directly to relevant consumers and potential clients. Be consistent and update your pages and accounts on a daily basis. The education phase of social media is front loaded. After youve done it for a couple weeks, it will become part of your routine.
5. The Future
The future can seem like a dismal place for those who got fired from their trusted jobs. People learn that very few things in life are guaranteed including paychecks. Its important to plan for the ups and downs of starting your online business. The beginning may be slow but that doesnt mean it will always be slow. Being consistent in your efforts will help your business get through the good and bad times.
One way to plan for the future is to have a cushion. Regular income might be reinvested into your business at first. Try and have money put aside to use for everyday life and expenses while growing your business.
Look for a business mentor who currently owns an online business. Try and meet with them on a monthly basis to pick their brain about everything related to your business. We learn by trial and error, and their input will definitely help avoid some of the errors!
In Conclusion
In this day and age, its hard to find jobs that are recession-proof. Starting an online business might just be the answer. Instead of looking for other corporate jobs, many people are looking to home-based businesses based on their passions and ideas. This post includes a number of free and affordable ways to get started. Remember, stay motivated, get educated and grow your company.
Interested in additional tips on how to get started? Contact me!
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