Acquisition of insurance policies through the Internet

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Complexity of many insurance products complicates use
internet. It, at first sight, absolutely obvious statement today it is more and more called in question.
Yes, a part of services, for example, insurance of industrial structures or life insurance can't be entirely performed through the internet. But, on the other hand, development of sector of banking services shows that, in process of enhancement of technologies of safe data transmission on a network, the individualized work with enterprise customers becomes a reality.
Despite it, the internet will have the big long-term influence on industry. The worldnet will be used and as the channel of distribution of actually insurance services, and for customer service improvement. Moreover, the leading companies already perform considerable investments into internet divisions, and buyers actively take new advantages. So internet influence on industry already occurs.
The internet allows the insurance companies to reduce considerably costs at the expense of use of new channels of distribution. To the full it will be possible to feel this economy only in 3-5 years. At the first stage to speak about occurrence of a convenient information channel, improvement of image of the company and the expenses connected with introduction of new technology more pertinently.
What possibilities are given by the internet?
The majority of sites is given to the user by following possibilities:
* to Familiarize with the detailed description of offered services.
* to Learn a price level for certain service.
* to Receive contact phones and an e-mail of service of sales.
* to Pay the insurance policy for a network.
Consumers have already got one big advantage insurance portals. On sites of portals (insure.corn,,, etc.) the information from the largest companies is collected. The user can compare the prices of different insurers for the same types of service, learn that is included, say, in the insurance of civil responsibility of the automobile owner at this or that company. It is possible to familiarize with the ratings of the insurance companies constituted both the largest agencies, and founders of portals also. Additional convenience for the client consists available "to search in the place of residence." For example, you can learn about the best offers under the medical insurance, acting in your staff. Considering that the person is usual insured not often and can carefully study the existing offer, portals are extremely necessary for the simple user.
On the best sites devoted to insurance, the information from several thousand companies is collected. Modern technologies allow to structure and renew this data so effectively that the companies practically constitute themselves a uniform network.
The market of internet sales of insurance services promptly develops in the USA. It is caused as exit possibility on a high-yield national group which constitutes a considerable share of audience of users the internet, and reduction of maintenance expenditures. In comparison with direct customer service servicing through the internet involves much smaller transaction costs (0.50 dollars and 0.01 dollars accordingly).
At present many American insurance companies presented on the internet, render all range of services, necessary for purchasing and insurance policy servicing. Clients of the company can come on the personified pages for the purpose of check of a condition of action of the insurance agreement, for entering of the next insurance premium or filing of application about insured event. Leaders of internet sales were auto insurance policies - 20 % from total number of sales.
Now in the USA is about 4500 companies offering services of internet insurance. According to some information on a share of annual internet turnover of the insurance market it is necessary 50 mln. dollars that constitutes 2-2,5 % from total amount of internet sales, thus about 2 % of incomes of the insurance companies it is necessary on electronic commerce.
Process of purchasing of the policy is broken into 5-7 stages. It is necessary to fill 4-5 questionnaires into which the information on a kind the insurance given about a subject of insurance, a kind the payments given about the insured person is entered. After that the insurance policy is formed and goes by mail or an e-mail.
Some popular insurance sites of the USA:
The American analytical company constantly traces dynamics of the market of financial internet-services and constitutes a rating of the companies involved in given sphere of business.
The potential of the American market of internet insurance is confirmed with the marketing research data Within the limits of the analysis researchers have concentrated the attention to online payment of insurance premiums, access of the client to an insurance history and renovation of the personified data. To these parties of insurance servicing should pay the attention within the limits of development of internet insurance of the company.
The XXI-st century - time of information technology. In sphere of insurance of the USA enters it, using technologies of the future - insurance in a network the internet.
Recently steady growth of number of internet users is observed. Therefore the market insurance online will develop.
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